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No order since a long time


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Because of the pandemic there are now 2 two three more sellers on Fiverr than before it started. 😬

Plus, now that there are more sellers, the sellers greatly outnumber the buyers. :roll_eyes:

In addition to that, Fiverr seems to have a new algorithm that is attempting to let sellers appear at least a bit in the search pages. 😐

However, there are only 48 places on each page and there are tens of thousands of gigs in some categories. I noticed that logo design has 99,146 new sellers and 27,000 TRS, Level 2 and Level 1 sellers ! 😱

Edit: I just looked again. There are 17,350 new sellers for virtualize assistants.

So, the question is, what are you doing to make your gigs stand out from the thousands of other seller’s gigs?

I also feels the same. Thousands of gigs are publishing day by day. I also facing the same problem even if I am a level 2 seller. I only got one order in the past 7 days. Fiverr completely changed their algorithm.

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