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Buyer asking for more for free (Proofreading /Editing)


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Hi there - new Fiverr Seller (Proofreading / Editing) here. I’ve worked on two pieces for the same client, and feel extremely lucky that a buyer sought me out so quickly. However, within our correspondence she just asked me to review a few more sentences.

I reviewed, this one time, for free to maintain a good working relationship, but I know I can’t let this happen again. How does one tactfully redirect the buyer to request any extras through correspondence as an official order?

Thanks for the help on this!

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I predict that you’re going to get responses based on three possible scenarios…

  1. Some sellers will tell you to just do the work to keep your client happy (after all it’s only five minutes of your time and it could avoid negative feedback).

  2. Others will tell you your client is abusing you and you should pointblank refuse (after all your client is wanting you to work for free over and above the original agreement).

  3. More moderate sellers will tell you that you can offer a gig extra (as it’s reasonable to tell a client they’ve received the service they paid for, but for an additional fee you’re happy to carryout the extra work to the same high standard, etc).

Only you can make the judgement call.

Here’s my take on the situation, if it literally is just a few words - I’d do it, but I’d also politely explain that you now consider the original order complete. However, I know of one forum regular (who I respect) who will totally admonish me for saying this! If it’s more than just a few words, I’d offer a gig extra - even if it’s just for $5 - this will make you feel better, and communicate to the client not to mess with you.

Occasionally genuine buyers do come back and say “sorry, I forgot to add this in… can you take a quick look?”. I will groan, but often help them out if I think they’re genuine.

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Well, I see that you offer some revisions, when you offer revisions you have to provide the ones you offer with the gig, but once the buyer has used up the ones included with the gig, just tell them you’d be happy to keep working at an additional cost.

I have to say I don’t offer any revisions at all but if a buyer wants to make a change I usually base it off how much work needs to be done and the attitude of the buyer, if a buyer has had great communication, is understanding, and overall a great person to work with, and the additional work is nothing but a minor change, then I usually don’t mind making this small change.

On the other hand, I’ve had the unfortunate event of having a buyer with poor communication and not too great to work with, not to mention asking for a complete rework of the project because of their own lack of communication, well to this person I didn’t hesitate to let them know “I’d be very happy to continue working on the project at the additonal cost of $x”.

Just, whatever you do, make sure to stay positive and professional. Remember, just because you’re a freelancer doesn’t mean you’re some random from the interwebs, you’re a BUSINESS, therefore buyers should treat it as such and so should you. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries! Good luck! :))

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Guest humanissocial

I explain that the request is out of scope and then create a polite ultamitum:

a) I can create an extra for the added scope for x$ or b) I can deliver as is.

Usually works. But it has to actually objectively be out of scope.

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I explain that the request is out of scope and then create a polite ultamitum:

a) I can create an extra for the added scope for x$ or b) I can deliver as is.

Usually works. But it has to actually objectively be out of scope.

Thank you so much for your help! I have another question. How do I go about that (which functions request the extra?)


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I predict that you’re going to get responses based on three possible scenarios…

  1. Some sellers will tell you to just do the work to keep your client happy (after all it’s only five minutes of your time and it could avoid negative feedback).

  2. Others will tell you your client is abusing you and you should pointblank refuse (after all your client is wanting you to work for free over and above the original agreement).

  3. More moderate sellers will tell you that you can offer a gig extra (as it’s reasonable to tell a client they’ve received the service they paid for, but for an additional fee you’re happy to carryout the extra work to the same high standard, etc).

Only you can make the judgement call.

Here’s my take on the situation, if it literally is just a few words - I’d do it, but I’d also politely explain that you now consider the original order complete. However, I know of one forum regular (who I respect) who will totally admonish me for saying this! If it’s more than just a few words, I’d offer a gig extra - even if it’s just for $5 - this will make you feel better, and communicate to the client not to mess with you.

Occasionally genuine buyers do come back and say “sorry, I forgot to add this in… can you take a quick look?”. I will groan, but often help them out if I think they’re genuine.

Thanks for your reply! I ended up getting a nice tip from the buyer, with notice that they intend to use me for their next project, so I know doing that small revision through the inbox was a small act with big rewards. I just don’t want to set the precedent that that’ll be ok for all projects in the future. I appreciate your insight and help!

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Well, I see that you offer some revisions, when you offer revisions you have to provide the ones you offer with the gig, but once the buyer has used up the ones included with the gig, just tell them you’d be happy to keep working at an additional cost.

I have to say I don’t offer any revisions at all but if a buyer wants to make a change I usually base it off how much work needs to be done and the attitude of the buyer, if a buyer has had great communication, is understanding, and overall a great person to work with, and the additional work is nothing but a minor change, then I usually don’t mind making this small change.

On the other hand, I’ve had the unfortunate event of having a buyer with poor communication and not too great to work with, not to mention asking for a complete rework of the project because of their own lack of communication, well to this person I didn’t hesitate to let them know “I’d be very happy to continue working on the project at the additonal cost of $x”.

Just, whatever you do, make sure to stay positive and professional. Remember, just because you’re a freelancer doesn’t mean you’re some random from the interwebs, you’re a BUSINESS, therefore buyers should treat it as such and so should you. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries! Good luck! :))

Thanks so much! It’s all worked out on that end. But for the future, how do I ask for additional $ for back and forth requests through messenger? Is there an option to add an extra through it?

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Thanks so much! It’s all worked out on that end. But for the future, how do I ask for additional $ for back and forth requests through messenger? Is there an option to add an extra through it?

The option to add an extra is there on the order page, not on the inbox page. To ask for extra in the inbox you’d have to create an offer which would make another order.

Also be careful of adding an extra on the order page. It asks for the number of days required but if it’s been a number of days since the order was created, the date expected for the extra could be in the past and make the order late if the buyer accepts it. It asks “how many days is required for the extra” or something but that’s the number of days from the date the order was created, not from the current day.

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