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Stopping "arbitrage" and resellers


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  • 11 months later...

if you stopped artbitrage then fiverr would lose a lot of its customers. simple fact. i dont come here to be fair to anyone. i know that fiverr produces a standard of work that is suitable for certain jobs and i use that service for myself and my clients.

I have worked for companies and run companies.

When you perform a job on fiverr your essentially the employee and the buyer is the employer.

The purpose of having an employee is to make 2.5 times what they cost you (at least with sales people thats the basic rule) if you can get an employee that through whatever job makes you as a company 10 or 100x what you pay them then great employer wins. employee gets paid a steady wage.

A world where employers pay employees more than they earn as a result of their work would be a wonderful place. but its not the world we live in.

I do SEO work for people. on average i charge about £300 pm for SEO work and i am good at it.

I have a friend who works at a company nearby who do SEO for £10k+ per month.

they are good at it too. not much different to me to be honest. they just have different clients with bigger budgets. Its the same thing they just charge more.

So when you make a logo or write a press release for $4 thats your choice the same as a months seo for £300 is mine.

If your not happy then work with people directly instead of using fiverr. you know the deal here its not like its hidden or anything. you put up a gig and get paid $4.

if you want to get paid $4k instead then you need to find the people who pay that.

And they do not shop on fiverr.

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