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How I earn Gigs Impretions

Guest robiul_aoual

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Guest robiul_aoual

I am new here,I wants to promote my gigs but I share my gigs on social media site.
but Views are going up only, impression going down.
My question how I increase my impression on my gigs?

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Guys, I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again…

Impressions are NOT a good way to determine the success of your gig.

We all know by now that there is a Fiverr bug that has erased the impressions listed for your gigs (yes, Fiverr knows about it, and is working on it). Please be patient, and please stop complaining about it. Stop responding as if the sky is falling, or the world has come to an end. Impressions say very little about the success of your gig. In fact, when it comes to success, …


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Guest robiul_aoual

hello, i send you one message, please, check it if you have time.


where bro?I am not see your msg

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Guest robiul_aoual

Just a reminder: Contacting people without invitation can get you flagged for spam.

Are you serious? I just told my opinion? I gave me flag?

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