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Need feedback from experts


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Hello, I am Akil Ahmed Khan, a freelancer with lot of experience in WordPress website design. I am a fiverr member from last September. I am not getting enough buyer request. Only in selected time i am getting those. Please check my profile whether i can improve any places in my gigs or description. What should i do to win more projects.

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Hello, @akilahmedkhan,

Your question has been asked many, many times. Therefore, this thread was created to tell you why you do not see many Buyer Requests. Also, I have moved your post to “Improve My Gig.” That is where other sellers may mke comments on your gigs and offer suggestions on how you may improve it.

I also looked up how many WordPress gigs there are on Fiverr. Did you know there are 61,354? Furthermore, 46,795 of them are level 0 sellers like you. You say you do not see enough Buyer Requests. That is because of the competition for those requests by other new sellers.

My suggestion is that you look at Level 2 and TRS’s gigs and figure out what sets them apart from you. Then make changes to your gigs to make them more like the sellers who are getting sales. However, do not copy their gigs or you could get banned for that.

On behalf of Fonthaunt (feel free to refer to this post): Buyer Request Help: This is not an official statement but I can give out some general information based on what has been observed about Buyer Requests. If this does not resolve your issues, you may try self-promotion instead or contact Support. For other FAQ’s about Buyer Requests including Support comments see this post. If you do not have a very high feedback rating, you may not be able to see new Buyer Requests. The exact perce…
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