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Sellers, voice your opinion. This one is for you! Fiverr needs a Changed Mind button for Buyers


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I’m all in!

I’ve told fiverr support over and over that IF they are going to DUMP that big blackeye CANCELLATION RATIO on us that they AT LEAST need to “qualify” it.



buyer cancelled = 382

seller cancelled = 000

support cancelled = 002

This would at least make some kind of SENSE to someone and the seller has a fighting chance at a sale!

As it is, the average (and above average) buyer has NO CLUE what the cancellation ratio even is!

When they see it on a potential sellers page (and unless he is the only one in the world selling what they want) they go RUNNING into the arms of his competitor because he does NOT have this GIGANTIC sales crushing tool emblazoned across his otherwise ONE HUNDRED PERCENT rating and TWO HUNDRED PERCENT customer service reputation!

The potential buyer only thinks “WOW ~ I’m not going to buy this and RISK the seller cancelling the order on me!” This other seller doesn’t have that crap! I’ll buy from him!

I would NOT mind my proposed “QUALIFIED” cancellation ratio in the least as I’m sure most of you would agree.

Check the attached photos below and see which seller your potential customers would want to dance with considering everything else as equal = A or B?

The buy button should DEFINITELY be two step and maybe even 3 step as well.

If a buyer wants to buy your gig an extra click or two is not going to stop them.

But it WILL stop some or even MOST of the oooops .... I didn't mean to do that.

I wouldn't even care if it forced the focus back to the gig description and grabbed their eyeballs and said HEY DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS???

Mutual cancellations should NOT count against anyone and just POOF - chunk the order into cyberspace as if it never happened.

ooooooooooops .... I didn't mean to do that should count against the BUYER and NOT the seller! Put the blame/penalty where it BELONGS!

The seller should have a way to ACCEPT the purchase or not. End of that story!

Which brings me to the last but not least - BUYERS should have stats all over their USELESS world domination map as well as the sellers!

The seller NEEDS to know if the buyer is some kind of BAD RISK ++BEFORE++ accepting the gig!!! End of that story.

Support NEEDS to have WRITTEN PUBLIC rules/policies pertaining to ALL of this and MORE! As others have said it should be CONSISTENT but instead DEPENDS on who you get for support today!

When I mention anything about this to them their favorite saying is "we can't discuss the inner working of fiverr" - WHAT??? Excuse me - these things are NOT the "inner workings" - they are the "OUTER workings" - the things that affect the public and hence the ABSOLUTE must have need for CONSISTENT rules/policies/enforcements/punishments/reprimands/whatevers. END of that story!

YEP - I'm all in LOL!

WAKE UP fiverr!!!!

NOTE: resized the stats image and reupped it so you can get the FULL impact of the visual effect.

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Hi I am new here and had a horrible experience with my first and only buyer.

She sent 11 messages, basically she wanted me to solve many problems she had with plugins in her website. I said I could not do any consulting outside Fiverr. After email no 10 I said if she wanted me to spend hours researching for what she wanted she had to buy 10 of my gigs (I cannot have additional items on my gigs yet). What she did she sent me a message saying that the plugin wouldn’t work. It was a lie, but I refunded her anyway.

Would it be unprofessional to have a list of buyers names that act like $5 gives them unlimited access to our time?

I would hate anyone else having that experience with her. I truly spend loads of time answering her and she wanted a new plugin that I do not have listed, but she would not tell me what plugin she was running for her WP eCommerce site. No way I could even advice her for free as she would not give me the information.

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Im so tired of the inconsiderate concern of the people who make this virtual community possible. I am not the only one who has dealt with the sabotaging buyers (who I believe to be other sellers) who makes your job impossible to complete. I am not the only one who has people who do not read what you offer or read the instruction box that both contain a message similar to this “PLEASE MESSAGE ME BEFORE YOU ORDER!” I am not the only one who has someone who tries to get top services for a low rate, that does not include what you offer or is obviously added on in the duration of you completing their gig. I am not the only one who has the one person who keeps ordering with ineffective instruction on something you are an expert on, but they do not listen to your expertise advice. I am not the only one who has encountered the buyer who refuses to cancel after they make a mistake. I am not the only one who have someone who orders and want you to do things that are suspicious. I am not the only one who has difficult CLIENTS! We all want changes! My solution is to make it mandatory for buyers to message you! Create a system that can help you put clients on a schedule for those ones with a lot of people on their queue. A block feature is definitely wanted and I don’t think anyone is against declining orders. I thought this would be something I could control and less of a hassle but its obvious that fiverr has much to do. Now with all this being said, I have reached level 1 and I am 30% away from reaching level 2. I am still trying to build my ratings back up from honest miscommunication from buyers and thoughtless individuals who continue to threatening this progress. I am very proud of the progress, but I would rather my ratings be based on my work and services. I think a lot of us are still here because we have top customer service and are very flexible to the mistakes or the uncharitable people on here! - See more at: http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/22439/sellers-matter-too#Item_1

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  • 2 weeks later...
solidslick said: ooooooooooops .... I didn't mean to do that should count against the BUYER and NOT the seller! Put the blame/penalty where it BELONGS!


Yes, agreed and Fiverr should ban a buyers' cancellation ability when they reach a certain cancellation ratio just to teach them not the game the system, so if a buyer has a 20% cancellation, boom, they cannot start anymore mutual cancellations until their own percentage gets lowered.

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It’s not the buyer’s fault that Fiverr’s policy is terrible. Ordered by mistake? Changed your mind? Don’t want it anymore? Didn’t read the description?

Annoying but NOT PUNISHABLE!!! Our “beef” is with Fiverr. NOT the buyer. If mutual cancellations did not affect us, then mere annoyances would be just that. Annoyances.

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Reply to @cheezees: You may be missing the point. Nobody is punishing the buyer nor does this topic suggest that. This suggestion helps both the buyer and seller.

You are right in saying that our beef is with Fiverr as buyers reserve every right to change their mind and order by mistake, but the button I propose would help Fiverr understand that a seller’s rating should not be affected either way including affected levels.

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hotwebideas said: Yes, agreed and Fiverr should ban a buyers' cancellation ability when they reach a certain cancellation ratio just to teach them not the game the system, so if a buyer has a 20% cancellation, boom, they cannot start anymore mutual cancellations until their own percentage gets lowered.

I honestly don't think the point was missed here.


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