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Mutual Cancellation Due to Buyer Mistake


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Long story short, I told the buyer he needed to order 10 gig’s for the project (or 5 with extra), he agreed.

By mistake he ordered 10 gig’s with extra (making a total of 20), it ended up in a mutual cancellation of 4 gig’s(with extra). Now, as you can see here:


I got a cancellation ratio of 21%!

The buyer is happy with my work, but I am afraid this ratio will affect my orders. I contacted costumer support, no response yet.

Anyone experienced something similar and got rid of that ratio?

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That’s sad, and worst part just as @madmoo said that CS may not reverse it.

So I have an advise for you.

As you are a level two seller, you have got three slots for Gig Extras and you are utilizing only one of them with title “I will Sync your Voice Over…”. why don’t you utilize all three slots you got.

You can put any title like I will do some extra work or may be take Big project for 10$, 20$ or may be even 40$.

So that next time when you get a big Project you can ask your client to order those gig extras, instead of asking them to order multiple gigs for single project.

By doing this you will get two benefits.

  • You can have more time for single project(Additional time feature).
  • Also (God Forbids) if something goes wrong, and you are forced to cancel the order, your cancellation ratio will be maintained to minimum. 🙂
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I contacted support for the same problem, here is the content of his answer:

“All kinds of cancellation effects on the cancellation ratio (including cancellations performed by Customer Support ) except for incomplete orders that are waiting for requirements for more than 7 days after the last “Nudge”. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about your cancellation ratio.

Our product team is working on the future improvements of Fiverr so that orders cancelled because of the buyer’s mistake are not included in the seller’s cancellation ratio.”

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  • 6 months later...

Dam I didn’t realise that buyers can see your cancellation ratio.

I had a similar situation to @claudioa where it was an honest mistake on the buyer’s part.

The buyer had purchased a couple of my gigs and was really happy and gave me 5 star ratings - then she decided to show my page to a friend, who accidentally hit the purchase button on one of my gigs… so she mailed to ask if I could cancel the order, which I did… since then my sales have really dropped off. I was wondering why… but maybe this is the answer. Really bleak!

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@kjblynx - thanks for letting me know. I was searching for where buyers could possibly see cancellations and couldn’t find anything. Hmm need to work out why my sales have dropped this week… I made a change to my most popular gig so it was down for 24 hrs - maybe that affected it? There is definitely an art to getting everything just right here on fiverr! 😉

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