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New Youtube star is a bird?


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A youtube star you may not be familiar with: Simba the baby bald eagle. I’ve watched him, along with thousands of others, from the time he was an egg four months ago. Here he is practicing for flight. We were all holding our collective breaths waiting to see if he would be successful:

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Gorgeous! Thanks for this @misscrystal.

Clever how they’ve lined up the beat of his wings with the drum beats … 🦅

Thousands of people have been watching this eagle family of mother, father and baby for months and have fallen in love with them. Many say it’s been life changing. It’s the first time I’ve been able to watch the daily lives of any family of wild things and it truly has given new insight into wildlife. Hundreds of people still watch the empty nest, now that the young one has left, still hoping to see them again. Simba has brought laughter and joy on a daily basis to thousands.

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There are still over 400 people right now watching the empty nest, hoping to see the eagle family again.
No eagles have been there for over nine days.

Typical live comment:

we had the pleasure of witnessing Jackie and Shadow create the most magnificent Raptor known to history… Simba the terrible… Simba the kind… our little twinkle talons?

I’ve never seen such a beloved bird. The tantrums he would throw when his parents came to the nest without a fish were hysterical. Screaming and stomping around. Biting his parents legs and not letting go.

There have been no sightings of him for several days now. 🙁

Mom comes home without a fish for Simba (warning turn your volume down)

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