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Asking for quotes on work the right way


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I love doing different kinds of work. A lot of times buyers ask me to do something that is not straight forward in the gig and I love doing those jobs when they are clear with what they want.

It is best to have a direct job description together of what you want the buyer to do when asking for pricing. So many times a buyer will give me such a vague description without any specifics that I have no idea what they are asking me to do.

I see it on Buyer Request too. I don’t understand what they are requesting. The people placing quotes probably don’t either.

Having to ask for clarification takes up time that I could have gotten the job done. We can’t give a quote on a job without knowing what it is exactly.

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I love doing different kinds of work. A lot of times buyers ask me to do something that is not straight forward in the gig and I love doing those jobs when they are clear with what they want.

It is best to have a direct job description together of what you want the buyer to do when asking for pricing. So many times a buyer will give me such a vague description without any specifics that I have no idea what they are asking me to do.

I see it on Buyer Request too. I don’t understand what they are requesting. The people placing quotes probably don’t either.

Having to ask for clarification takes up time that I could have gotten the job done. We can’t give a quote on a job without knowing what it is exactly.

Having to ask for clarification takes up time that I could have gotten the job done.

This is part of the job itself.

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Having to ask for clarification takes up time that I could have gotten the job done.

This is part of the job itself.

I realize that. The point I am making is that it makes things a little easier if the buyer thinks through what they are asking for before asking for pricing. Gives a good description the first time. Saves both the buyer and seller time.

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Let me give some examples…

Right way:

I need 5 email templates and help sending out from my Aweber. What is the pricing for this?

Wrong way:

I am doing a email campaign. What is your pricing to consult?

Right way:

What is the pricing for 10 blog articles at 500 words each?

Wrong way:

What is the pricing for you to write content?

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