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To buy or not to buy? that is the question


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So for sometime now I have been trying to do some research on which computer to buy. I have also not been marketing my fiverr gigs because the last time I tried it, I go several buyers who wanted something that I could create but my computer wouldn’t output due to the workload needed. So I was thinking, if you “a member of the fiverr family” had enough money, what kind of computer would you buy???
xeon or core i
quadro or non quadro
I am looking at dell t7910, 128gb ram, 1080ti card, dual xeon 2667 v3…
What specs do you think would boost you to the next step of your fiverr business?

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That’s a tough question as everyone’s requirements will be different. For me, when I was first looking for a computer I took stock of the programs I was planning to use along with the memory and processing speed needed to run said programs without issue. In my opinion the specs look good but maybe consider going for a xeon quad rather than a dual.

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You could also look at the test results run using the various processors and other specs to see how they affect the software you want to run and the various aspects of the software you want to run (eg. whether you do mostly 2D, 3D etc.). eg. some software (eg. AE) I think mostly benefit from processor speed rather than many cores (unless I think using something like Rendergarden or with Cinema4D or C4d comps).

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That’s a tough question as everyone’s requirements will be different. For me, when I was first looking for a computer I took stock of the programs I was planning to use along with the memory and processing speed needed to run said programs without issue. In my opinion the specs look good but maybe consider going for a xeon quad rather than a dual.

For the dual xeon I meant two xeon processors for each slot so I have a total of 20 cores.

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@uk1000 @manucornel I intend to use c4d with both octane and redshift, blender will also be in the mix. After effect and premiere. Since i don’t know if they require more processing power, ram or graphics memory I thought I could buy more of each… I was thinking about the rtx cards but don’t really know if I need it

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