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"Earned This Month" not updating


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Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem: My “earned this month” stat on my “to do” list page hasn’t updated in two days, even though I’ve finished orders and buyers have marked them as complete. I keep track of my sales separately from fiverr so I know it’s missing $40 right now.

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Mine isn’t either (on the analytic page). I’m wondering if they changed how it works (and only updates when the funds have cleared).

I’ve watched it as I’ve had orders complete and it’s not updated the amount it should but it is updating - so I’ve got a feeling they’ve changed how it works.

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Same here. Already contacted support and although they said they tweaked something and it should be working, it only worked for like 10 minutes and then stopped again.

They said that no they did not change what that figure is supposed to display. I hope it’s just a bug or something and we don’t end up losing money that does not appear there. 😦

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When I contacted support, they told me to clear my cache (do it every day), restart the browser (did it several times trying to get it to update), and switch over to google chrome (already using it). No change to my number, though several orders have been delivered and completed, so I just started tracking it myself. The payments seem to fine, just the tracker is busted. 😦 Good to know it’s not just me, though!

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mine is updating but not doing the correct calculation I’d say, the “earned this month” increased from yesterday by $16 while I know I made at least $80 more than that, but not to worried too much about it though, maybe it’s a temp thing that they’ll fix or something

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