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What is the deal with Sellers not completing gigs


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I purchased a simple gig 13 days ago and have had no communication from seller. The seller fragglesrock has not contacted be regarding the gig. After waiting 13 day for completion and NO delivery I now have to “request” from Fiverr that I may cancel the job. What a complete waste of time. Fiverr needs to find a solution to sellers wasting buyers time by not doing jobs they accept. Very disappointed in Fiverr!!!

Sheriff’s Note: Call out users in the forum is not allowed.


Thank you for your comments.

I placed the order and I immediately received a request for details from the seller. I provided the requested information immediately. For me, this appeared to be the seller “accepting” the job. If a seller advertises a gig and a buyer responds, and pays the seller, and then the seller asks for the details to complete the job, I think its fair to assume the gig was accepted. If a seller is not interested in accepting gigs then they should remove their offers.

I don’t appreciate the seller wasting my time or Fiverr wasting my time. Professional and responsible sellers should be as upset as me about this type of situation. Bad apples lower the integrity of other sellers and the site as a whole.


Sheriff’s Note: Call out users in the forum is not allowed.

NOTE to Sheriff …how about not allowing users to accept gigs and then not delivering the gigs after Fiverr has been paid???

Sheriff’s Note: We are plain old users like yourself. You can send your complaints and suggestions to Fiverr’s Customer Support Team



Hi and welcome to the forum.

Live and learn. 🙂

A good idea is to contact the seller first, before ordering. Especially since you are new and many sellers are new. If you reach out to a seller and they take 2 weeks to get back to you (or not at all), it’s a good indicator of what may happen if you order.

If a seller responds pronto, in a friendly pro manner and the dialogue is good, it makes for a better buy/sell around.

Good luck!

corpmark said: I placed the order and I immediately received a request for details from the seller.

This is actually part of an automated system Fiverr has in place and is not actually the seller manually requesting details.

corpmark said: NOTE to Sheriff .......how about not allowing users to accept gigs and then not delivering the gigs after Fiverr has been paid???

Lashing out at the Sheriffs of this forum will not do you any good. They have no control over Fiverr's system and like you, are regular users of the Fiverr site. The only difference is that they have been appointed to enforce the rules, not make them up and calling out users is one of those rules they have to enforce.



What an interesting community.

I simply participated in the commerce on this site and purchased a gig and patiently waited for 13 days for my order to be completed. When it was ignored and not completed I voiced my disappointment. Now, I am suddenly being reprimanded and given all kinds of advice on how I should have done this or done that.

I followed the rules regarding my gig purchase and fulfilled all of my responsibilities regarding the gig. The seller is the one who did not fulfill their obligations. But, by all means, let’s protect them so they can waste the time of a future buyer and most likely take a gig away from a responsible seller that would actually complete the order. The should be called out!

Who is appointed to enforce the rules of sellers who do not complete their obligations?


I apologize if my comment was perceived as reprimanding you as that was not my intention. It was simply to inform.

Again, I feel that you are lashing out at this community, which has no control over the rules set by Fiverr, for “protecting” them.

If you have a problem, you should contact Customer Support. Pretty much every one here has no control and can only offer advice and insight.


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