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How do you promote your gigs on social media?


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Do you join relevant pages on Facebook group and post your gig? I feel this is less effective because everyone on the page is usually a seller themselves.

Do you create dedicated Facebook page, Twitter, Google+ etc… to update about your service?

How often do you post about your gig on social media?

Do you buy ads on social media?

So far are they effective in bringing buyers? I doubt many people track the result though because I am not sure if Fiverr has the ability to identify the source of our traffic.

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The only way to promote effectively on social media is if you are posting about your gigs to the very people that need your services. Just posting links on social media to anyone, and hoping random people purchase from you is not going to result in any sales.

The only people that will purchase your services, are the people who need them. Therefore, however you choose to market or promote your gigs, you MUST be sharing your gigs directly with those people.

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