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This month, im suddenly going through a really crzay bunch of buyers!

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Fiverr is always awesome to work with. But sometimes, the buyers are not.Im doign graphics and animation so there are lots of discussions before and through out production.

This months selection of around 20 buyers are really making it look bad though. lol.
Some are requesting more than 8 revision requests, most of them doesnt understand the idea they bought up themselves. Some are technologically challenged, some doesnt agree on creative points,etc.

How goes with your buyers this month?! 😃

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Last month was my busiest month ever on Fiverr, so that was cool. This month is going fine. Can’t complain personally!

I feel for you doing design work. I can imagine that leads to a lot of discussion and revisions. Makes me glad that my service doesn’t require that level of creativity on my side, haha.

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Last month was my busiest month ever on Fiverr, so that was cool. This month is going fine. Can’t complain personally!

I feel for you doing design work. I can imagine that leads to a lot of discussion and revisions. Makes me glad that my service doesn’t require that level of creativity on my side, haha.

indeed! 😉

But most of the stuff are 99% fun anyway.haha.

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