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New to Fiverr! Any tips?

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I’m from Australia and have just started Fiverr and become a seller. I have one gig where I currently do photo editing but haven’t received any orders yet and I am finding it very hard to get them. I want to branch out into photography, filmmaking and writing. Have some questions:

  • As a new seller how do I stand out against bigger sellers?
  • I haven’t seen a buyer request yet and I don’t know if this is normal?
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Focus on keywords, search them before you use them. You should have a mixture of popular keywords. Example: logo.

And keywords nobody else is using but that might be appropriate. Example: goth writer.

You should have a mix of gigs that include mainstream services and maybe a few edgy gigs, something weird and different.

But the keywords/tags is the most important thing because if they can’t find you, you can’t get orders.

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Focus on keywords, search them before you use them. You should have a mixture of popular keywords. Example: logo.

And keywords nobody else is using but that might be appropriate. Example: goth writer.

You should have a mix of gigs that include mainstream services and maybe a few edgy gigs, something weird and different.

But the keywords/tags is the most important thing because if they can’t find you, you can’t get orders.

Thanks. I will try that.

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If you could give me feedback on how to improve my gig. Here it is below:


You could try adding a video where you could show more before and after photos, with a transition between them. Or maybe a more complex version of the “before and after” for it shown in a gig video (like some form of time-lapse that someone suggested once - or maybe where you show different layers in “3d” to help show the before & after of any added effects to the images etc.) . It might possibly be a good idea to add slightly to the revisions offered, at least to start with.

Also, level 0 sellers do get shown less Buyer Requests (they get removed as soon as a certain number of level 0 sellers have sent offers). You could refresh the requests page occasionally to see them.

Also it’s probably a good idea to create a few more gigs to increase the chances of sales.

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Guest rahdil


I hope you are all fine.

Here are few steps that can push you near to your first sale as quick as the flash.

  1. You can send 10 offers to the buyers through buyer request section in 24 hours. Read carefully the buyers’ requirements then send the offers to buyers. I would like to recommend you that always give special discount to buyers as you are a new seller. Try to ensure their trust through your valuable words. It is too hard to trust new sellers for buyers. If you still not getting orders no worry in such a way you will get views and clicks.

  2. Share your GIG’s on the social media groups that have a huge amount of members like FaceBook, Twitter, Google +, Linkedin, etc. It will help you a lot in increasing your GIG’s impressions, clicks and views, resultantly your GIG will visible among thousands of users and also boost in ranking too.

  3. The most important thing is that have a deep look at your GIG’s Title, Description, Tags, Prices, and Its image or video.

a) The Title

The title must be unique and has unique and most usable keywords.

b) The Description

The description must be unique and contain the keywords that are in the GIG title as much as possible. I would like to recommend you to use keywords in the starting, middle, and in the ending. The description must contain the sentences that inspire the buyers and ensure their trust.

c) The Tags

Tags are also most important for visibility of your GIGs in the search results. Do a fair research and look the tags that repeat a lot. Imagine you are a buyer and would like to purchase a logo design then you will definitely type logo design in the search bar. Most of the buyers use filters.

d) The Prices

If you are a new seller and not getting orders so I would like to recommend you to set the average or reasonable price for making your first sale.


Best regards:

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Guest lloydsolutions

Hi Everyone I am also new to Fiverr and I am from Jamaica. I have 3 gigs, I get alot of impressions, views and clicks but no orders. I don’t know what I am doing wrong.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

If you want help you need to make your own post under the category Improve My Gig.

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