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Duplicated Profil, Ban


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how can i be sure as a buyer, that there aren´t duplicated profiles? - from normal sellers or from agencies

I spent some money in the last month and i would need some people they i can work with, but i´m day by day much more afraid that i meet the same one.

for example i bought from an expensiver seller, everything was good, but i found a cheaper one, what if this is the same and delivers a bad work to go back to the expensiver profil and with this knocks out a good but cheaper one…

what are fivers proof methods to avoid this?


Why do you think, the same seller offers the same services with low price on a duplicate profile? There is no duplicate profile on Fiverr because it has automated MFA system. And, if the system finds out someone who uses same internet or system to run a duplicate profile, it will suspend both of them. The reason you got same services with low price is -it’s an International platform and a competitive marketplace.


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