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Help with my gig needed

Guest atiaferdous

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You should read this post and these tips work for you

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My Journey to 10K in 4 months + Helpful Tips

I surpassed 10k in 4 months earlier this week and I’ve had such a great experience on fiverr, I’d like to provide some helpful tips! Fiverr provides us with so many unexpected clients that they deserve their commission! Getting the 1st sale is the...

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You are offering a service, the background removal, that many other in your field are offering.
Maybe too many.

You could find some interesting inspiration looking at the offers of your competitors, finding:

  • what sells the most
  • a niche where there is less competition

Another disavantage is your time zone.

When you are online many western buyers are sleeping.
For them, the extra fast delivery is not so attractive as “selling point”.

There are few imperfections in your English, here and there.
A better headline could be, for example:

My name is Atia.
I am a photoshop professional with six years of experience.
I love my job, and I’m committed to do it right.
You can trust me.

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