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New Fiverr level system


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As fiverr has changed its policy for assigning levels so I want to start a conversation with my fiverr community. I want you to give your point of view about the benefits and drawbacks of this new policy.
According to my point of view. It is good to improve the quality of platform plus it will help to differenciate between truly hardworking people and non serious people.

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There is already a discussion topic about the new seller level rules. You don’t need to start another one. Please visit, read, and comment on the topic that already exists:

favicon.icoFiverr Forum default-apple-touch-icon.png

Level Systems Update: What Fiverr Sellers Need to Know

Going to start this thread as the “official” Fiverr FAQ for the new Level System announcement. If you haven’t already, please check out this blog post outlining the changes coming in January. There are a few of us from Fiverr who will monitor this...

Reading time: 35 mins ? Likes: 724 ❤

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