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Collections - where oh where?


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Hello, I am a buyer and I have collected a bunch of buyers. After the redesign of the site, I cannot find them.

Customer support is telling me that it is near my user name. No.

Any thoughts?

When I go anywhere near my user name, it just goes to Profile page.


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I am a new buyer. I joined about a week ago. I saved many in my collections so I could go back to them and purchase. I came in yesterday to make a purchase from one of the collections I had saved. Now all my collections are missing. I still have the folder headings I created for them such as ‘for work’, ‘for fun’ and so on. But, there is nothing in any of the folders and there is nothing in ‘recent collections’ the main folder. I wrote an email to support but I have heard nothing from them. Can anyone help please?

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I never had the old version. I have only been a member for about a week. I ordered one gig and loved it. I added a bunch of gigs to the saved collections. I came in this week to purchase one of the gigs I had saved. Now all collections are gone and no one at Fivver Support is offering any help. I would imagine lost collections would cost a lot of sellers sales and they would make a bigger noise about it. But so far the only people even discussing it are the few who come to this discussion.

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Yaaaaaaaaaaay! The collections are working for me again today too. Ok, since I found my collections again I have been ordering gigs like a crazy person. I have ordered 6 new gigs and counting… and I upgraded most of them to $20.00 gigs or more. Ok, maybe it was best to keep the collections broken. LOL Just kidding. I can’t wait to get all my gigs now!

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