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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Already gave you suggestions that work on your gig gallery (all gigs).
  2. It would be better if you browse the "News" category in the Forum.
  3. Really? Do you think your gig related to Canva falls into Web Design category? It's in Graphic Design category and you cannot create unique images for yourself? If you are unable to do this then how will you be able to work for your buyers? And I asked you a question that how should we support your gigs? Elaborate it. Focus on given suggestions first!
  4. Hello too Support your gig? How? Well, your gig gallery is not impressive and also not good enough to attract buyer's attention. Kindly add your previous work in gig gallery and present them in a creative way because you are a Graphic Designer so you can do it.
  5. Are you selling any of your services for $5? No. Right? Why would you use that price then? Does not make sense. You can try with $50, $80, $100. Once you get the relevant brief, send a proposal but it should be written professionally in a clear way.
  6. It's because staying online is useless and not associated with impressions or clicks. Upon checking your profile, your gig images are not good enough to attract buyer's attention and some texts are cut-off. Add some of your previous work in the gig gallery and present them in an unique way. You have chosen Social Media Management having 121,654 services available on Fiverr so work on optimizing your gigs further i.e. gig gallery and gig descriptions. In gig descriptions, you have used "I" and somewhere you have used "We".. What are you trying to say? Kindly fix those mistakes.
  7. Play with different prices to see the results that at what price, you are getting relevant briefs.
  8. Kindly read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4415608857745-Post-a-brief-and-match-with-the?segment=buyer
  9. Due to three 1* reviews, your performance and buyer satisfaction rates have been dropped. That's why your gig was pushed back in the search results. You can get back to track if you start delivering your orders on time. And, this is not end yet. Work on improving quality of your services/work and deliver everything on time. Good Luck.
  10. Why should we focus on your points? We are discussing the issue that the seller encountered 6 days ago. Focus on that first rather than focusing on yours.. Why are you being fussy when nothing has happened with you and you are continuously focusing on review system. If you are not happy with the updates, then quit being here or go to Fiverr Support and discuss with them. It would be better if you guide seller first rather than discussing your own points! I am not gonna address your points or whatever you are trying to say.. Again, I have to say that Focus More on the seller's case.. Not yours!
  11. Actually, he is a TRS but still have this mindset and attitude which seems not right to me! It's totally strange to see this behavior! He is focusing on himself only! That's all!
  12. Then why are you trying to create a situation, being fussy and attacking members here whoever is trying to point his (seller's) mistakes? I already said that don't focus on that Update for now (It's gonna be implemented from next week).. If you are really worried about that, then make your buyers happy and handle it professionally even though you are a TRS.. You are focusing more on Buyer who went back to change the review.. Being a TRS, you should have given some tips/suggestions to the seller so that he should avoid making the same mistake in the future! But No! You are just being selfish and worried more about yourself!
  13. I already answered that Buyer felt offended when the seller blocked him even he was willing to gave him more tasks that's why he took that path. Seller could have handled it better but he is lacking communication skills. You are pointing out everything to buyer.. why are not you focusing on seller's mistakes? Now, seller should learn from his mistakes and let it go.
  14. After 1 week.. Not right now. So don't focus on that update for now.. Buyer felt offended when the seller blocked him even he was willing to gave him more tasks that's why he took that path.
  15. Your point is not making sense here. If you cannot see the private feedback then how the seller will change the review or how do you know that you have gotten a negative feedback (private)? Plus seller have no authority to change the review. You are at fault actually. It looks like you are lacking communication skills. Work on it first. You could have handled it better.. Plus, you took a revenge first then why are you complaining? It's like Tit for Tat. Why did you agree to everything whatever buyer asked you to do when it was not a part of your order? If he said, he will cancel the order, then get it cancelled. (It's better to get an order cancellation rather than getting a 1* review) For now, let it go. Learn from it and improve your communication skills
  16. Have you activated Online Banking?
  17. Fiverr Support is not gonna help you with it. You need to fix it on your own. Due to 2.3* rating which you have received 2 weeks ago, your performance and buyer satisfaction scores have been dropped. That buyer might have given you a negative private feedback too. So it is recommended to improve your services first i.e. deliver quality work/services. Learn from that review too (2 weeks ago one)
  18. That buyer might have given you a negative private feedback too that resulted in low buyer satisfaction and poor performance scores. So try to improve and deliver quality work/services.
  19. Hi too Honestly, your gig gallery (gig images) are still not attractive and impressive. There is still room for improvement. You are a Graphic Designer too so use your expertise and create unique gig images for your own gigs. As for Gig Descriptions, do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche and see how other sellers are selling their services via their gig images and gig descriptions (Note: Do not copy them, just observe only)
  20. Do not repeat the same topic when it's already created. And Yes, this update is going to be implemented from next week.
  21. If you don't know what else to do then do not suggest anything then. You claim yourself to be a "Digital Marketer and Facebook Page Specialist" so I am sure that you can use your expertise for yourself too. Right? Also, why are you suggesting these useless tips when they never worked for you? You have been on Fiverr since December 2022 so it means you have been staying online enough to get nothing. So Staying Online is Useless. Improve your gig gallery as gig images are not attractive for buyers. Try to use your expertise for yourself too.
  22. Why are you suggesting useless tips when they never worked for you? You are not in position to guide anyone, so better to not guide. Apply your suggested tips for yourself first then see the results because they are really useless. 😑 Work on your gig gallery please. All gig images are too distracting and why have you used too much text in the images when everything is explained in gig descriptions? You have chosen a highly competitive niche i.e. Organic Social Promotions - 46,569 services available. So you can see that competition is too tough and you need to work on your gigs to make them more stand out among others.
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