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About ainur_khan

  • Birthday 04/10/2002


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  1. I believe that with patience and hard work, staying committed on Fiverr will definitely lead to success. The competition on the platform is high, but by offering reliable services, earning good feedback, and continuously improving, you can enhance your profile. Time, dedication, and client satisfaction are the keys to success here. How are you feeling about your Fiverr journey so far?🙂
  2. If you're looking for French-speaking PAs to assist with admin work, you might want to check platforms like Fiverr, where you can filter candidates based on language skills. Additionally, LinkedIn and local French-speaking networks or Facebook groups focused on remote administrative support may also help you find the right person.
  3. As a new freelancer on Fiverr, I’m eager to make an impact and establish myself in the marketplace. Could you provide any additional advice on how I can stand out and effectively market my social media marketing services? I would love to hear tips on optimizing my gigs and building credibility as a new seller. Looking forward to learning from the community and applying the insights to grow my presence on Fiverr!
  4. Thank you very much for warmly welcoming me...
  5. "Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your business. 💡 A happy and supported team is the foundation of success. Strong businesses are built by people who feel valued and empowered." 🙂


  6. "Absolutely agree with you. Claiming fake experience not only misleads clients but also damages trust within the Fiverr community. As a 3-year experienced developer, I’ve seen that honesty about your skills and delivering quality work are what lead to long-term success. It’s important to focus on real growth and continuous improvement, rather than exaggerating abilities."
  7. It sounds like you're frustrated with how things have slowed down. First off, it's great that you set boundaries with that potential client, offering a small test before diving into full work – that’s smart. But it’s also clear you’ve hit a dry spell, and that can be tough.
  8. thanks for your feedback. but I haven't achieved anything yet; I'm constantly learning.
  9. "Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I really appreciate the kind words. Wishing you all the best as well on Fiverr! Patience and learning from others are definitely key, and I’m excited to grow alongside fellow new members like yourself. Here's to our mutual success!" ❤️
  10. "Thank you! I'm really excited about the opportunity to grow and expand my skills. I'm particularly looking forward to learning more about how I can bring value to the community and collaborate with others. There's always so much to learn!"
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