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Everything posted by jahidhasan65

  1. Of course. SEO also helps a lot to rank gigs. A gig ranks when that gig is fully SEO. So much attention should be paid to SEO.
  2. If you still have 7 gigs in your profile and if fiber doesn't delete the 3 gigs then you keep the 7 gigs. You won't delete it by yourself.
  3. Your gig has everything. Now you start marketing your gig. Gig marketing will get impressions and clicks on your gig and get orders faster
  4. Since buyers have a new tool, sellers should also have some direction so they can take the necessary actions to succeed.
  5. ohh very very sad new. But don't lose hold. Go to Peristrom and you will get success
  6. Welcome back Fiverr Forum ALINA
  7. Try it after 24 hours. You will get a solution to the problem
  8. jahidhasan65

    Hidde Gigs

    You should research your gig a lot so that the title and description are professional. Then the chances of getting a job will be more.
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