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Everything posted by bismaa_8

  1. Thank you so much for clarifying this. I really appreciate your help
  2. Hi, my brother wanted to start his fiverr account, as I already have a one is it fine to create 2nd account with a different email and pc but we have same wifi? Or is it against the fiverr tos?
  3. Same situation as yours and now I can't find my gig on search. I think it's because of their new nonsense update. All we can do is wait ad pray
  4. Their gig is in ranking bcz of their order and good impressions/clicks. You caan see their review they have like 500+ reviews means their performance must be good. Well my account isn't flagged still I can't find my gigs on search.
  5. Hi y'all, I'm level 1 seller and I edited my gig few days ago but the ranking is going down day by day. What should I do to rank it again? And how much time is required to rank my gig after editing? Any tips will be appreciated. Thank you
  6. The one I had already js my own... I just want to ask is there any drawbacks if you use description generated by AI?
  7. Hy guys... I want to edit one of gig and I want to use chatgpt for seo gig description. Is it allowed to use chatgpt for our gig seo description? I read one forum and there they said fiverr can derank your gig if you do this but what If instead of copying it from chatgpt and paste on my gig description, can I write manually all the description generated by chatgpt?
  8. I do have auto update but I like to update them by myself so it's turned off haha...I'll just wait for the update for now so that I can update my app by myself.
  9. Omg, If I were on your place, I would be crying now😭... I just achieved the level 1 on previous evaluation and thank God I'm not demoted 😭
  10. Me too haha, The website one is the right one? Correct?
  11. Ohh.. There is no option of update on my play store right now, I guess I just have to wait 🙂
  12. Is this bug? I was about to cry then I saw the posts here and found I'm not alone 😭
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