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  1. https://www.quora.com/Can-I-open-a-new-account-on-Fiverr-when-my-account-is-permanently-disabled
  2. I might be wrong but i have read the TOS there it states once the decision is finalized then you can create a new account. let me know what to do now because my earning source is fiverr
  3. I don't have any other account my previous account was put under temporarily restricted and once i got the decision on that account i had created a new account and now my current account is also disabled. I don't know what i have done wrong i have been a loyal seller,i didn't have peoper information of TOS in my previous account and i accepted the result but on this account i haven't breached any TOS.
  4. I'm also facing a similar issue after that i contacted the customer support and they said due to the inconsistence login locations it happened although i just have travelled to outside the city for once in last 3 months
  5. I have been working on fiverr from last 3 months and i have to travel to multiple cities as part of my job. Now as the evaluation date came, i was hoping that i will be a level 1 seller but things doesn't go as expected and i got the notification that my account is Flagged due to "location inconsistencies or other activities indicating a connection to violations of our Terms of Service. Consequently, your participation in Fiverr's level system is permanently restricted." Please help me in this matter as i have put alot of effort in last 3 months.
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