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Posts posted by zeus777

  1. So aside from my rates going down to 4.9 which aint all that bad, my response rate has gone down to 94%.

    I'm sure it was 95 or 96 a few days ago...? I guess I'm not the only one.  I know its not that much of a big deal but still mildly annoying I guess.

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  2. Yeah~~! My rates went down to 4.9 too, NOW I don't feel left out LOL.

    Jokes aside, whatever is going on with Fiverr I ain't that surprised anymore, but I wonder where in the heck is this all headed, adding all of these ( meanigless...?) new stuff??

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  3. 15 hours ago, frank_d said:

    I’m doing cardio 5 days a week and weight training 3 days a week for the past 4 months or so

    Not trying to one-upper you, but i pick up my 10 pound cat at least 20 times a day, I lift my coffee mug hundreds of times while I'm working, and I also speed walk over to the store to get some munchies during my break. I'm gonna have abs by the end of this year. 😁

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  4. Greeting to you, King Mooch.
    Thank you for checking in on us. It's less than 10 days till Christmas, and I was planning on having a takoyaki/sukiyaki party with my buddies on the 25th, but then just a few days ago he got COVID and he ended up using all of his pad vacation, so he needs to work on the 25th. (Hey it's Japan, working on Christmas is normal sadly) but we will still have a New Years party on the 8th.
    So plan B, I'll go out with my other friends whom I've known for...wow, over 20 years on the 25th and we'll be eating chicken wings.


    OK, so how was 2023...
    I think it was pretty ok overall. I didn't get sick, I didn't get into an accident, I didn't get arrested (JK), I didn't get physically hurt, I had several problems here and there just like everyone else but can't complainf much. After all I have a roof over my head and a job and good people around me. Plenty of wonderful things happened. 🙂

    Fiverr-wise I think the number of orders are sadly down compared to the past years; I mentioned this somewhere but I'm guessing more and more people are using AI to have their documents etc translated. The good news is since I am being paid in dollars and the Japanese yen has been pretty weak for the past several months ( maybe an entire year?) when I convert my Fiverr income to yen I end up getting 30~40% more which is quite nice.

    One little problem though, my cat escaped and while I am sure he will come home ( he's escaped twice before), it is pretty cold outside and he's a bit old.
    if you guys can pray for his safe and swift return, I'd really appreciate it. 

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  5. Just because I'm a bit bored and I don't have much to do right now, I'll try to explain why it doesn't work.
    Let's say there are two stores. Store A is open 24 hours. Store B is open only a few hours each day.

    Store A is not doing well while Store B is very successful, in fact they sell out of everything almost everyday. Yes, stores like these do exist, in fact there is a bakery near my house just like this.

    Store A doesn't have well trained staffs, the store isn't clean, their product quality is poor, and they lack professionalism overall. It doesn't matter whether they are open all day or not. People just don't want to go there.
    Store B has great products, the staffs are well trained, store is very clean, and people will get in line before the opening time because they are willing to wait.

    Same thing with Fiverr. If someone sees a good quality gig, they will message the buyer and will be willing to wait for several hours for a reply.
    The sellers aren't worried about being online all the time either because A, they need sleep and a life outside Fiverr, and B, they know people will message them.

    I bet this post aint gonna anything, but h*ck, it's worth a try.  😅

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  6. 9 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    And a huge number of sellers on Fiverr doesn't know how to sell.

    And THAT sir, is the quote of the day!!!! Also sadly I'm not from Canada, I'm from this dinky little island country known for sushi and ninjas. I guess mastering Gibberish is going to take a while for me.

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  7. Fortunately I don't have any phobia, but if there's anything close to it, I'm terrified of earthquakes. I was in Tokyo when 3-11 happened, and before that I was somewhat "used" to earthquakes but now the smallest ones scared me to the bone. Having that said, I don't think it's at a phobia level, I'm thinking it's a normal(?) thing to get scared of. 

    Sounds like your phobia is a very serious one, I've seen people on TV getting therapy and then having their phobias cured eventually, so I hope you can get help too! Not being able to stand on a bed sounds bad, so I'm guessing you can't stand on a stool or ladder when changing the light bulbs?

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  8. On 8/26/2023 at 6:59 PM, the_civil_panda said:

    they don't trust gigs with no reviews and don't want to get scams

    Here's another sad fact, there are a good number of sellers ( both level 1 and 2) with good reviews who are scammers.
    You just need to be careful I guess and do all the research before placing an order.

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  9. TRS here. I'll be honest, I think I've been a TRS for several years, but I don't remember when and how.
    I didn't even know I was a TRS, I think I finally realized it when someone pointed it out for me??
    It didn't increase the number of orders or anything, but I guess people do tend to trust you more because of your status.
    That little star next to your name makes you look cool too I guess.

    • Like 12
  10. 7 hours ago, vickieito said:

    you haven't had to make a single change since 2010! (How did you do that?!)

    Well I have made several changes over the years, like my prices, descriptions, revision policies etc, but I think the last changes I've made were yeaaaaars ago.
    Maybe I haven't changed anything for 5 years or so now?? Now that my hair is longer I thought of changing my profile image and maybe adding color, but I don't think that is going to change anything at this point. Having that said, it might be fun to change it.

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  11. Well, I'm not going to sound intelligent at ALL here, but to answer your question...

    Nah~~, I haven't made a single change, I haven't done anything, zero, zip, nada.
    I was at first a bit worried with the whole AI thingy, but I still get a decent amount of translation orders so I guess I'm good. For now, at least.
    If anyone wants to have a zoom call, no problem. So far I haven't had anyone ask for one. I did have a seller asking me to record myself speaking in both
    languages, and that was enough for him to trust me. (my cat decided to join the recording in the middle and apparently he liked that)

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  12. Never used buyer's request ( for obvious reasons) and never used briefs so far. I used to check them just in case, but recently I delete the message without even reading the contents because I am sure it's a gig I can't work on, or the price is way too low for me.
    I'm curious Mike, was there ever a brief that was a match? For you?
    For me personally it's ironically impressive of how non-matching the briefs are!

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  13. 20 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Oh, did Fiverr get rid of those types of services?

    I'm not sure if they got rid of them entirely, but I think the blue spandex ribbon dancing guy isn't around anymore.
    I think there was also this guy who dressed up as Jesus and did personal messages, that was pretty funny too.
    I'm aware that Fiverr is trying to look "Professional," but I do like those silly gigs as well, I hope they all stick around 😄

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  14. 22 hours ago, vickieito said:

    compete with the man singing the "Happy Birthday" song with his goat.

    I once paid $5 to a hairy guy who dances in bright blue spandex while singing happy birthday to my friend, I'll gladly pay for that gig too! 🤣



    22 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    they actually listened and followed my instructions and advices.

    ....that's quite rare around here, just reading that makes me happy!

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  15. A while ago a coworker of mine asked me about Fiverr, he wanted to know how it works, how much I make, etc etc.
    Since my coworker can speak/read/write three languages fluently, he seemed to be interested in creating an account. I told him he can do a translation gig for sure.
    He did create an account, but then his first daughter was born and he got busy so he still hasn't created a gig. He IS skilled and qualified though, so I'm sure once he creates his gig he will do quite well.
    Just today another friend of mine asked me about Fiverr, he seemed to be interested, he did point out though that he wasn't sure what we can offer as a service.
    He's a computer guy and can speak 2 languages, I'm sure he can be pretty successful too.
    He wanted to know more about Fiverr, so while we were sipping coffee and munching on scones, I told him everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I know about Fiverr.
    Both the good and the ugly.

    By the time I was finished, it looked like he was having second thoughts. I guess he found out that while Fiverr can be great, it IS a job after all, and you will be facing stressful situations quite often. He actually said "Eww...." when I told him about the silly "Hi give me job" spam messages I get.

    Any of you guys have friends who started Fiverr recently after seeing your success? Did they end up being successful too?

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  16. On 7/17/2023 at 2:05 AM, vickieito said:

    I just hope I look like my grandma, with her shock-white hair, purple lipstick, and colorful muumuu!

    Wow, sounds like your grandma was cool and had quite the fashion sense! I won't ask anything to my future self.
    If I can say anything to my past self, I'll say "Everything will work out, don't worry."
    I get the feeling whatever it is that I might ask my future self, I'm gonna get the same answer 🙂

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