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About mdmamunrassel

  • Birthday 02/13/1991

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  1. Order cancellation is automatically fixed after two months. Fiverr low success score should remain for a certain period. It cannot last for a lifetime. This system has completely stopped the sales of the sellers products.
  2. yes, affected all
  3. Most of the sellers are facing similar problems. Fiverr note the sellers' posts and take initiatives to solve these problems.
  4. I don't see a solution to the same problem with most seller and can not tell if it will come up in the future.
  5. Due to fiverr success score update, many good quality sellers' products have stopped selling and fiverr has also been deprived of its desired profit. Success score should be fixed after a certain time. Otherwise, I think is that the accounts may be abandoned.
  6. If the success score is low performance and if the seller does not fix his performance metrics within 30 days, how many days can it be fixed?
  7. If the success score is low performance and if the seller does not fix his performance metrics within 30 days, how many days can it be fixed?
  8. I totally agree with you and the new update on fiverr will be more detrimental to new seller and will discourage confident sellers. The new update of fiverr is unfair to the sellers and they never take initiative to solve the sellers problems.
  9. All these things definitely make a seller depressed and the fiverr journey in the coming days will make it difficult for a seller to survive and the future is uncertain 😔
  10. It's true that the new level system is worrying and frustrating for every seller but does Fiverr ever listen to the seller or notice the issues raised.
  11. same issue for me average 5 month 😌
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