Thank you very much for your keen eye. What I wanted to convey in my message is that place where taught about Adobe all tools, like Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Animate, Adobe XD, and more. Now I know only Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and A. After Effects.
I think there is no end to learning and should always strive to learn. People who know a lot but still learn, most of the time I follow such people more. I think no human being is perfect. When a person is full on one side, he lacks on the other. I consider myself a learner who always likes to learn. I'm a new seller here. I think everyone on Fiberr knows more than me. For that, I want to learn more, and find new sources, from where I can constantly cross myself. As much as I know, tomorrow I will know a little more. Just like this, one day I can better myself from my position. I am looking for an online platform where the world's best designers teach! The message was just for it and for positive thinkers. However, Sorry to say that I can not reply to you at that time because of post limitations. Finally, I thank you again for your valuable time.