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  1. I encountered the same issue. I attempted exporting with both .mov and two different .mp4 settings, but the problem persists. If anyone has found a solution, please do share.
  2. I encountered the same issue. I attempted exporting with both .mov and two different .mp4 settings, but the problem persists. If anyone has found a solution, please do share.
  3. Hello everyone, I wanted to share an experience I recently had with a phishing message. The message pretended to be from Fiverr, but it was actually a scam. Here is the message: When I opened the link, I saw the following page: And after I clicked on the Verify button, I saw this: Here are some tips to help you identify phishing messages: 1. Check the URL of the website - in this case, the URL was fiverr.service-verificate.com, while Fiverr's URL is fiverr.com. 2. These types of messages from Fiverr often come as notifications not messages. 3. Check the status of your account or service - in my case, my gig status was still active. 4. Be wary of messages that ask you to take action within a certain time frame - in this case, the message said I needed to act within 24 hours. 5. Be cautious when asked to provide unnecessary information. Fortunately, Fiverr was able to block the user who sent me the message shortly after. But it's important to be vigilant against phishing scams, as scammers are always finding new ways to deceive people. Thank you for reading and please share any similar experiences or tips to prevent falling for scams.
  4. Hi Everyone, I have read a popular post, and I understand I have not chosen good titles for most of my gigs. Here is the link to the post: Therefore, I am thinking about changing some of my gig's titles. Now the question is whether changing the title is better or creating a new gig and removing my previous gig. Which one is better for my profile and my gig positivity and visibility?
  5. Thank you for mentioning it. All of my gigs were generated by an AI, but I made the main content and asked the AI to review it and make it more optimized for search, and each time it added some keyword to the text. Therefore, I wonder if Fiverr could tag my profile as AI-generated or something like that. And could it be the cause of not showing my gigs?
  6. Thank you for checking the rule and giving us the right information. However, as I mentioned before, I don't use AI in the future to make my content better in the forum to respect others and the rules.
  7. Thank you for sharing your ideas. It seems I finally found someone with good intent who wants to teach something. Yes, you are right, I am a new seller and it is my 4th post in the forum. I agree with you and I will consider it in the future.
  8. Thank you for the answer. I set the price at 5$ three weeks ago. I made 7 Gigs and I have experience in all of them (outside of Fiverr). I tried to improve my Gigs, but I did not get any briefs or orders. I wanted to make a ticket about the briefs, but since it depended on my performance and I did not perform anything yet, it seemed it was normal to get no briefs
  9. Actually, it wasn't completely generated by AI. The original version was more than 20 lines. I made many changes on it, I just used the tools to make better text. However, thank you for reminding me, I didn't know that. I think people are here to fight each other, but I thought the purpose of the forum was to learn and help each other to make a better selling experience on Fiverr.
  10. Hi everyone 👋 I am a new seller, and I have activated the Get Briefs feature on my Gig page. However, I haven't received any notification for briefs yet. Therefore, I wonder if it is not active for the new sellers or if my account has some problem.
  11. It seems you did not use ChatGPT or similar tools before. Nevertheless, maybe you were right about the text. Maybe it was better to keep it shorter to be easier to read. But using words like dumper was not suitable in the forum.
  12. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Tools like chatGpt came to make life easier for us. They help me a lot and they make me more creative. However, the main idea was mine and of course GPT made this unique and nice text.
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