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Everything posted by reza_rusho

  1. reza_rusho

    Gig image

    Why should you do this? A logo or name is your identity. Why should you hold someone else's image?
  2. I believe doing some keyword research and pushing that in the gig descriptions works a lot. Besides, do some gig marketing in the social media regularly. This will make your gig rank and let buyers know about your services as well as offers. hope this helps. Good luck!! 👋
  3. You can use Elementor Pro if it's simple, otherwise you can go for the Gravity form.
  4. They both are different in terms of functions and uses. Shopify is a popular drop-shipping website where you can sell third party products without even owning any products. Whereas, a WordPress website can be anything from a portfolio website to an e-commerce platform.
  5. To get better and better and better. After all, clients need better products.👋
  6. Sometimes, they don't have time to reply maybe because they are too busy at that time. Bust most clients reply as they need a better product and they need to clarify every detail before going into the execution. Mutual conversation obviously make client-seller relationship better in terms of understanding and collaboration.
  7. The question should be, how to increase impressions and clicks for a gig to rank on Fiverr.
  8. Hello all, I'm excited to be part of the Fiverr family as a new seller. However, I realize that navigating the platform and optimizing my gig for success can be a bit overwhelming. That's why I'm reaching out to all of you experienced sellers for your valuable insights and tips.
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