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Everything posted by navid_zafar

  1. This is just a first step. May you get more!
  2. I have read some other freelancers complaining about it as well. Obviously no one could tell the exact reason, probably some change in athe Fiverr algorithm at the back end.
  3. If you will deliver the quality work, they will come back obviously.
  4. Staying online has nothing to do with the Gig Rank.
  5. It will not help at all dear.
  6. Most of the relevant stuff is available here. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/
  7. Meanwhile you can go thorugh this stuff: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/
  8. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011094958-SEO-tricks-for-Gig-titles https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-Tips-and-tricks-Before-creating-your-Gig
  9. Don't listen to such rumors. Its against TOS of Fiverr.
  10. Are you lookinf for potential buyers in the forum?
  11. Consider enhancing your profile description as it's currently too brief. Also, it's perfectly fine if you choose not to mention your nationality.
  12. You might want to take a look at the following material, as it's focused on creating and optimizing gigs: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/categories/17131506586257-Gigs
  13. Even one Gig is enough to get the orders. There are many sellers who started with only 1 gig and then added more gigs based upon the buyers requirements and queries.
  14. In my experience, sometimes buyers may not have a clear understanding of the exact work needed for their books. They often aim to keep the budget minimal and rely on sellers' offers. However, I've found that buyers are willing to pay the appropriate amount when educated about the effort and time required to organize their books properly. I always prefer to engage in discussions with buyers before providing any pricing, as it allows for a better understanding of their needs beyond the brief description.
  15. 1st impression is good. All the best.
  16. There are no given rules or requirements. Jus keep delivering the good work, may be you will get it one day.
  17. May be a negative private feedback.
  18. Did you contact Fiverr Support?
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