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  1. I just received a spam message today asking for work, his name is Shyam lol
  2. Yes that's true. The only way to earn more is if you receive a $90 order. Most orders are $30 and $60. If you're tier 7, You now earn $15 and $30 Instead of $24 and $30. 😆
  3. Yes, $6 for 30$ order. The change will take effect on 02/15/2023
  4. So level 1 tier gives you $6 for $30 logo? and how do we know our tier level? it's changing every month? thanks!
  5. yes i feel like all your efforts to create a unique and stand out logos goes to waste because the best seller are copy or mediocre 😞
  6. Hello, after i paid my cash advance it repapered almost instantly or the same day i checked it.
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