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Everything posted by ntrxmusic

  1. Has anyone else been told something different by support that could benefit us? haha, I was talking to them for two days and the last thing they told me was ''I checked your request again. Your Gig impressions are dependent on many different factors, including your seller statistics, performance, and additional internal factors. Fiverr does not guarantee impressions, clicks, or views for your Gig. Please note that Gigs may also be removed from our search feature due to poor performance indicators. Unfortunately, there’s nothing else that can be done at this time.'' And my drop was also quite high, I was making 2 - 3 sales a day and I haven't received a single order for 3 days lol, and it's my only source of income, big mistake by the way, depend only on Fiverr 😪
  2. It's also happening to me for 2 days, and I thought I was the only one with this problem right now. Either it is some general error, or we had bad luck with some client, although I have 5 stars in all my gigs and all my clients are satisfied, my ads disappeared. And precisely on March 25, I think there was an update on the platform, I received the notification that on March 25 at 5:00 AM UTC, the page would be down for a few hours, so it may have come back with some errors Let's hope that's it!!
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