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Everything posted by kaneswriting

  1. Hi there! I would recommend uploading a picture of yourself to use in your profile picture and thumbnail. This will definitely help garner more clicks and potentially more orders.
  2. Hi there, I have been selling on Fiverr for four months and this happened to me a few weeks ago. I ended up changing a few things around on my gig and a few days later I was back on the front page. A website such as Fiverr is a machine with a million turning cogs and so sometimes things like this can happen. Try and adjust a few things on your gig and see if anything changes. I hope you are able to find a solution. All the best!
  3. I remember when I first began selling on Fiverr I would wake up multiple times in the night as I was so stressed about the response timer. It's unfortunate but it is the reality of the situation. However, provided you are responding quickly during the day, you really don't have anything to worry about. I routinely purchase services on Fiverr, onto of selling, and I don't think I have ever once looked at the response timer of the seller.
  4. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how the process works. I think it's similar to the top-rated distinction in the sense that they give it to sellers that "stand out" based on their own metrics. I don't remember doing anything specific. I just remember logging in one day and seeing that I now could create a profile and add clients. But it was after a long run of positive reviews and orders. My theory is that when your account goes through a solid run (a month) with quality feedback and no issues, your account is highlighted to the team where someone will vet to see if you are fit for the feature. So in terms of a milestone, just try and provide each client with an insane amount of value in order to be noticed by the Fiverr team. For me, if I am busy then I provide each client with what is required and if possible, a little bit more. However, if I am quiet, I will go above and beyond for each client. A few ideas on how you can provide clients with more value are through the creation of infographics. Depending on your niche, you could create an infographic with ten tips and tricks (costs like $5-10 on Fiverr). Don't tell them they will receive it. Instead, upon delivery, acknowledge that you have sent them an infographic free of charge as you truly appreciate the opportunity to work with them. For less than $10 and basically zero time, you could exceed the customer's expectations every single time. Small things like this will make you stand out. Good luck! 🙂
  5. I agree with Fynwriter. You are better off just using Paypal, which is free to create, in order to hold your money.
  6. Hi there! I'm not sure what you mean by rock but the best way to receive orders is to make your gig look as professional as possible. Write an awesome native-English description, create 10 FAQs and design an awesome thumbnail. If you aren't getting orders, it means your gig isn't at a high enough standard. Keep improving and you will eventually get there!
  7. Hi there! That feature is only available for specific sellers, which I received around 1 month after achieving the level 1 rank.
  8. I have attached my method for success on Fiverr! Welcome and make sure to work as hard as you can! 🙂
  9. Hi there! 60% is pretty typical, to be honest. From my understanding, you can ask for feedback but can't try and elicit positive feedback. Therefore if you do ask for feedback, use neutral words and be super relaxed.
  10. Hi there! Congrats on all of your success. I think everyone's objective on Fiverr should be to work both as hard and as smart as possible. Sure, it's great to be successful, but not if it comes at the cost of your physical and mental health. I would recommend setting a limit on hours worked for yourself. I aim to "work" no more than 30 hours a week. When I say "work" I mean anything directly involved with a sale which for me is writing scripts. Anything past 30 hours should be spent on increasing the value proposition of my services. This involves anything from working on my profile, studying courses, analysing competitors, etc. Sure it's great to be working 40 hours a week at $25 per package, but if you doubled your prices and lost half of your clients, you would be left with the same amount of money despite only working half the time. Now you are working hard and smart! TLDR: Focus on becoming faster, or increasing your value proposition so that you can increase your prices and therefore earn as much for half the time. Set a "ceiling" of hours worked for the week. If you find that for two weeks in a row you exceed that limit, then raise your prices by 20%. Remember, you can always lower your prices back to normal. I have been doing this for since the beginning of my journey months ago. I worried that I might not get orders, but now I am charging three times as much as I would have ever thought possible and I am considering raising my prices again! Value yourself and your time so that you can in turn provide each customer with the most value possible! All the best with your journey 🙂
  11. Completely depends on how hard you are willing to work! I think any skill can be leveraged on Fiverr with the right mindset and attitude. Good luck! 🙂
  12. Hi there! Feel free to use this simple method that I use everything to generate success on Fiverr. I begin by asking myself "Do I have any orders?" and If the answer is YES, I work on finishing that order and exceeding that customer's expectations. However, if I ask myself "Do I have any orders?" and the answer is NO, I will then use all of my resources (time, energy, and money) to increase the value proposition of what my account and gig are offering to potential customers. Your gig is off to a great start, but there are a lot of features you aren't using. Try to create a great thumbnail with a picture of yourself, I would recommend paying a designer but if you can't then use Canva. Use all of the picture, video, and document sections to fully complete your profile. Then work on a great description and use all 1200 characters to provide potential customers with information. After that, create a minimum of ten FAQs (use competitors as examples but don't copy/paste). TLDR: If you don't have orders, continually improve your gig and profile until you have one!
  13. Hi there Tpack10! Here is a simple method I follow: I begin by asking myself "Do I have any orders?" and If the answer is YES, I work on finishing that order and exceeding that customers expectations. However, if I ask myself "Do I have any orders?" and the answer is NO, I will then use all of my resources (time, energy and money) to increase the value proposition of what my account and gig is offering to potential customers. I had a look at your profile and you are already off to a great start! However there are still a lot of things you can do to increase the chances of acquiring customers. For example, you currently aren't utilising the power of the FAQ section. The FAQ section offers a seller a fantastic opportunity to answer the potential questions of a customer, and and distinguish themselves from competitors. You have also only used 700 characters out of a potential 1200 in your description. It's important to use everything a gig profile offers to provide your customer with as much information as possible. Remember, a custom incurs a risk when they use a seller for the first time. Therefore it's vital that you alleviate any potential concerns they might have with you and your services. TLDR: If you don't have orders, spend every second possible improving your profile. I wish you all the best in your joinery on Fiverr!
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