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Posts posted by atulcodex

  1. 7 hours ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

    What should I include in my automated inbox reply? I'm interested to know if I'm missing anything important.

    This is my current message:

    I try to make it very clear it’s automated, so it doesn’t look like I’m trying to quickly process a customer. I also want it to be useful, so I include resources and suggestions of things they can check out.

    90% of the time, I reply for real within a few minutes anyway, but I live in the UK and 90% of my clients are US based so I often get messages in the middle of the night. With this feature it hopefully helps them not feel like I’m leaving them hanging for 5+ hours 😅

    Anyway, what other useful info do you put in your automated replies and what feedback do you have on mine?


    Not bad 😇

    You can make it more interesting, too


    Thanks for your message, I would love to help you out as soon as I’m available!

    If you haven’t already, can you please send me a few more details about your project and company? You can provide references, a timeline, and anything else you think is important for me to know and better understand your vision.

    For now, you can check out my previous work.
    - Portfolio project link 1
    - Portfolio project link 2
    - Portfolio project link 3
    - Portfolio project link 4
    - Portfolio project link 5
    - Portfolio project link 6
    - Portfolio project link 7
    - Portfolio project link 8


    In progress work
    - Project link


    My portfolio website

    If you’re still thinking about the details, I’m happy to advise and help decide which package will work best for your needs—or create a Custom Offer.

    Cheers, Atul

    Something similar to this one!

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  2. 1 hour ago, juliajepsen said:

    Hi I'm trying to start on here to become a seller and for some reason it won't let me past where your supposed to put like what your good at and I am having trouble where it tells you to pick 2 to 5 things that you feel best at I picked 2 to 5 things but still won't let me past? It's very weird

    Hello Julia,

    As I see you are good at photography then you can start your career on Fiverr with photography!

    New things and new tasks seem scary, but with time everything starts to feel like your own, so don't think too much and start.

    Jai Shri Ram

    • Like 5
  3. 24 minutes ago, designspritam said:

    Greetings of the day!

    I'm Pritam - a new member of Fiverr. I'm here to provide my services in Brand Identity Design to help businesses grow. 

    I'm seeking your experienced opinions regarding my profile and gigs.


    Fiverr पे तुम्हारा स्वगात है !

    You have done a great job on the profile

    I have 2 advice for you
    - make all 7 gigs
    - work sample link is broken

    Screenshot from 2023-07-12 13-10-57.png

    • Like 27
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  4. Be active

    42 minutes ago, elimarkting said:

    Hello community. 🙂

    All my gigs have yet to get 0 impressions in the last three months after a seller gave me a 1 star review. I found this unfair because I'm almost 3 orders away to become level 2 seller. What should I do? This has never happened before. I have only been able to sell three orders with five starts reviews from recurring clients. Can someone help me? Thanks.

    Screenshot 2023-07-11 100924.png

    Screenshot 2023-07-11 101049.png

    Screenshot 2023-07-11 101037.png

    I think you have to make more gigs so that they can rank on different keywords and as a result you will get more orders.

    Happy earning 🙂

    Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 21-26-42 elimarkting Profile Fiverr.png

    • Like 7
  5. 3 minutes ago, ankitgajera1 said:

    My Fiverr account is 5 years old, and I am a Level One seller. However, I haven't worked for the past 3 years. Now, I plan to work on Fiverr, but I have not received any orders from clients on my gig, and I am not getting any impressions on my gigs. I have also updated my gig and keywords.

    Please give me tips, senior Fiverr members and the Fiverr team. Should I leave this account and create a new one, or should I continue with this account? Please provide me with your suggestions.

    hi ankit,

    According to me your profile looks good and no need to make changes. I will suggest you make one new gig and be active on Fiverr as much as possible. So that Fiverr AI can get a single to show your gig in search results. Go ahead!

    • Like 7
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  6. Because website development is a premium and high ticket service that's why fiverr has set some rules for this category, so unfortunately you can't set your gig price to 5$ but yes client can negotiate with you and you can create custom offer for that same gig at $5 also 😆 so this is the smart algorithm. Go ahead


    • Like 10
  7. 1 minute ago, qbhavesh said:

    I am trying to withdraw my money back from Fiverr . I am a new user to Fiverr and I earn some money. When I get started to complete my procedures to get my money from Fiverr then firstly I clicked on withdraw funds option > add payout method > then it ask the OTP . I filled it there and when I clicked on submit OTP then a message popped that verified and said that check you Gmail inbox to continue. So When I clicked on the linked button send to my gmail then the url opens and this message (that I have attached here ) popped. Now,how to solve this problem?I don't know . Plz help me


    Hello Bhavesh

    How many times you have tried it?

    I think you have too try with desktop or laptop device or may be try with another internet(wifi)

    • Like 9
  8. 6 hours ago, wix_dev_01 said:

    Hi guys,

    I am new to Fiverr Forum. Hope to learn some new things.



    Your welcome to the forum wix developer, whats your name!

    You can ask your questions regarding fiverr, we are always happy to help 🙂

    • Like 13
  9. 4 hours ago, abdheshkjha said:

    Try to learn more about Fiverr, and how it works. Do your own research make your gig stand out and keep promoting your GIGs on social media.

    (Staying online for 24hrs doesn't mean you will get orders)

    Exactly fiverr is a very big topic and with time, the Fiverr team makes changes in features. But Fiverr also has a feature to filter online sellers which have used already.

    • Like 8
  10. 8 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    I have told you this already. Staying active/live or being online does not help you at all. This myth is spread by sellers who lack knowledge about how Fiverr works.

    Excuse me sir, Fiverr has a feature to filter online sellers. So how you can say that it is a myth :0
    Do you have any valid reason? And this is my real-life experience on Fiverr.

    Screenshot from 2023-06-17 20-28-58.png

    • Like 5
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