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Posts posted by atulcodex

  1. 10 hours ago, tonu96 said:

    The gig was given a long time ago, how can I get order?

    Hi @tonu96 you are new at Fiverr so I suggest you learn and understand the Fiverr algorithms like they work and provide orders. so you can get orders easily 🙂


    Happy journey!

    • Like 7
  2. 3 hours ago, reihuki said:

    Hi! I'm brand new seller in fiverr and just starting bout 3 weeks already. I need an experienced seller guiding me on my seller profile and gig optimization. I have problem, maybe in making the gig/profile description, even though i think my description is good enough but i still feel that like it was something wrong somewhere in it. Maybe it is my desc. That is just to long and a bit boring to read or the way that i presented a word that is not effective enough? My gig state is downgrading each time and i can't get offer it without any experience, like if you are a beginner and knows nothing but keep trying to change everything not knowing the fiverr algorithm it self and found nothing but failure at the end.


    Please review my gig and hopefully i can grow from what y'all tough me of, and it might also be a useful information for many other brand new Fiverr seller out there.

    Here is the link to two of my gig :

    1. Most eye-catching one and already have hundreds of impression and 9 clicks last month


    2. The new one that has a very low impression


    Thank you very much if anyone can help on this and hopefully y'all doing well ♥

    Try to target low-competition niches 🙂

    • Like 6
  3. 6 hours ago, peter__a said:

    Hi my fiverr gigs has not been showing on fiverr search pages for a while and whenver. i pause my gig and. i activate it after. a day, i will see my gig after some hours again i wont see it again i have to repeat this process so i can see my gig again. What can i do?


    why is fiverr treating me like this?

    Hello Peter,
    It doesn't work like that. Try to target low-competition keywords.

    • Like 5
  4. 19 hours ago, junaidmasood718 said:


    I use the feature for vacations for 10 days, afterwards, I do find out about the visibility issue. I don't understand what's wrong with it even I didn't put my account for more than 30 days for unavailablity.

    Would you please check and respond to it.

    Kind regards 

    Yes this is how Fiverr algorithms work, you have to accept it.

    • Like 5
  5. 23 hours ago, samaptiray said:

    I am Samapti Ray, offering web design, web development, digital marketing, and content marketing (writing services) on fiverr. Unfortunately, I am not getting adequate order after the disappearance of buyer request feature. Please let this feature come back.   

    Let's contact to Fiverr support team may be they can help us!

    • Like 5
  6. 2 hours ago, geontavares said:

    Hi guys!

    I'd just like to thank Fiverr for this opportunity to work and share my services on this platform. I've been registered there for a long time, but it's only in the last two months that I've finally managed to get involved and it's been a rewarding experience. 

    I've already completed more than 20 orders and I feel like this is just the beginning.

    For those who are just starting out, don't give up! 

    I hope to be able to add knowledge and help everyone in this community. 

    sounds good!

    • Like 11
  7. 8 hours ago, dripvip said:

    Hey experts , 

    My Fiverr gig isn’t really getting as much impressions anymore then it used to get. Also no more clicks and I followed all the tutorials how to actually get buyers but I actually have not had one since I started Fiverr like 2 weeks ago. I mean I changed it and hopefully made it more interesting. But can anyone help me out and tell me how I could improve it ? Here’s a link https://www.fiverr.com/s/Xl3rr5! I would be really happy for responses of how to improve it and get more impressions - if possible more clicks!

    Hello my friend Tano,

    I have few ideas for you from my experience

    1. Create all 7 gigs on different low-competition keywords
    2. Make attractive gig images
    3. Try to give some extra value to buyer like bonus, free service, etc

    Happy journey 🙂

    • Like 2
  8. 8 hours ago, probrandguide said:

    Last week, I received many messages and projects from clients. I did not have enough time for about 75% of the projects that came to me. I had to request extra time. Now I get fewer messages and orders. That's why I thought to ask this problem. Thank you!

    Don't worry,
    Mr. Madu, It happens in journey keep going.

    • Like 5
  9. 4 hours ago, rawque_gulia said:

    Her review says everything about your behavior. 

    And if you come and say that she is lying then why should we believe you? Without knowing the full situation how can we trust any one party? It is not possible for us to comment anything on such situations. Even if you contact customer support, they won't help you because you were the one who "accepted" the cancellation request.

    Anyway, sharing buyer information in screenshots or messages is not allowed and is against Fiverr's terms.


    Hey Rawque thank you 🙂

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  10. 9 minutes ago, pronay24 said:

    I am a new freelancer. I have account age of 20 days and have paid 3 gigs. But it seems that my gig has less impressions and less clicks.
    I heard that gig marketing can be done. My question is: Will there be any problem if I do gig marketing?



    Try to rank on low-competition keywords 🙂
    Have a nice day.

    • Like 5
  11. 3 hours ago, ethanseo11 said:

    My gig is visible at night on the second page, so it is not shown on any page during the day.


    i need answer instead of reaction please.


    I happens because of Fiverr algorithms, don't worry and check first page!

    • Like 6
  12. 9 hours ago, aqsariaz540 said:

    During gig editing, when we choose the website option, we can select only type 1 at a time. Is there any solution for more than 1 type like Wordpress + wix  + shopify

    Unfortunately you have to create new gigs

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  13. 10 hours ago, abubakar079 said:

    Hi i hope everyone is doing well, i here to ask about my gigs are not showing in search . I am seller with level 1 . Everything was going perfect. I got good orders. I had almost touch the level 2  but suddenly my all gigs stop showing in the search bar i tried everything.

    change the titles

    change the descriptions

    checked the gigs status(its showing active)

    tried everything but still hopeless

    even i try to create new gigs , but new gigs also not showing in the search 

    Can anyone tell me the reason . That will be a huge help

    thank you

    It will take time to show in search results only if you have done other things properly.

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