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Everything posted by xotatech

  1. I checked your gigs and I think you should give more focus on your keywords. Try to find out low competitive but high demand keywords. There it will be easier for you to grow big and get some orders.
  2. Do you get enough clicks according to your impressions?
  3. Follow the fiverr gig rules and try to promote yourself on different platform.
  4. There is only 2 ways. Number one: improve your gig and number two: promote your gig on different platforms.
  5. Yes, You will be effected badly but a cancel order is better than a bad review
  6. smartdezigns is right. Take your time to pay attention of the details of your gig. Make it more attractive then others.
  7. In my opinion, you should grab it if you are willing to pay the extra charge and if the extra charge give you the outcome.
  8. According to my opinion, his gig is ranking means he is getting impressions. If he do not get the clicks & knocks, then we can say that there are some issues with the image and descriptions. But if he is getting clicks & impression but not getting the order, then his communication skill & portfolio is not good enough. Here, he should improve his communication skill & portfolio.
  9. Are you getting enough click according to your impressions?
  10. Check the fiverr instructions. They explained it in detail.
  11. Please try to improve your english a bit. Maybe your communication skill is not that much good.
  12. Can you please explain, what you mean by difficult client? There are different types of difficult client like some are rude, some pushes for extra work etc.
  13. By the way, the 3rd gig image's text shadow looks a bit boring. I am just giving my opinion here.
  14. There are simple grammatical mistakes and can create a bad impression. As, you said your English is fluent and it is not your first language. Your visitor may have a think you are not that much fluent in English. Again, as fiverr is a platform for professionals. SO, in my opinion, avoiding these tiny mistakes can help you a lot.
  15. Your gig is not attractive. Try to make it attractive to get more clicks.
  16. You do not have any video and the images are not outstanding. Try to make them outstanding. Try to describe your offer in a professional way. Best of luck
  17. You can contact with the support system. They have a good answer of your question.
  18. Hey Zeeshan, Xotatech here. Welcome to the community
  19. In My opinion, do not try this.
  20. As far I know, you can activate ir deactivate the option to show your works but you can not modify it.
  21. I faced the same issue. I always try to help them if the revision is small and not take much time. But if they want something new should be added or huge change that requires couple of hours, then I politely ask my charge for it and eventually the agree. You can do it for free and you can charge him as he did not respond on time and the contact is over. It is totally up to you.
  22. As you create a new gig, wait for some time so that fiverr algorithm can check and I hope you will see your gig, get some orders very soon.
  23. I am not using PayPal and I did not get any issue till now.
  24. As they pick seller by themselves manually, so here no one can a straight forward answer. Work hard and hope for the best.
  25. Did you check everything from you end like your gigs are active or not? If everything is okay, then go to fivver support to get their help.
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