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  1. it's clear that the AI still needs a LOT of data training to achieve what they want it to do, they're so focused on automating their platform that some sellers are going to pay for their errors
  2. all these changes Fiverr has applied over the last year demonstrate that we're alone in this, they effectively care more about the buyers. I wish we'd have a feature to objectively rate buyers as much as they can rate us, including private reviews. Only we know how stressful it is to work with a buyer who abuses and asks for unlimited revisions, Fiverr has never done anything to limit how many revisions they can ask, why do I even get to set a number of revisions when I create a custom offer?? I have been a top-rated seller for over 2 years now, and the only reason I got this level and still maintain it is because I trust my gut and choose whom to work with. It's sad to see a marketplace like Fiverr fall into all this, they haven't realized yet that without us, they wouldn't have any "updates" to make in the first place.
  3. Fiverr grants this option to certain sellers that reach certain level and stats. If you're above level 2, you should see this option pretty soon if your account qualifies for it. Good luck!
  4. I've been getting messages from different people with a picture of one of my project that says: "this message is related to..." as if they'd been able to respond to this specific picture form one of my Gigs. Also, when I click on this picture, it has an "award" button as if people could grant this picture a positive qualification?? Does anybody knows what this is and how it works? I'm attaching some screenshots for you to see. Thanks!
  5. although this is not explicitly said in the TOS, I wouldn't ask for a tip as well as for a positive order rating. This could lead to an account suspension or permanent ban.
  6. mine still appears when I search for my Gig in incognito... Weird.
  7. I've heard some cases of people getting back their TRS badge, not sure exactly how it works tho... I think your best bet is to wait and maintain your current stats. Best of lucks, John.
  8. First time here as well, I’ve kept my response time under an hour and it’s been such a labour. I never got the repeated buyer badge, I guess I deserved this one lol
  9. So I was scanning my profile this morning when I suddenly saw a Highly responsive badge on my Gig page. I certainly try to reply as fast as I can, mostly using pre-saved replies with dedicated usernames, I didn't think this sort of responsiveness was actually rewarded with a badge. I love seeing these kind of little details here and there. Has anyone seen it before? let me know haha
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