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Everything posted by pamdemic

  1. I've been facing the same issue. I contacted Fiverr support and they confirmed that this is an intentional update. 😞
  2. Exactly 😂 I don't use LinkedIn much either. Mainly because it's interface has got quite complicated and confusing in recent years, plus some weird posts in the feed, which is what you mentioned.
  3. Strange, I got the same email a few weeks back but I ignored it as I didn't want to share my LinkedIn profile. I haven't received it again, but since you said you are getting it for the second time, I guess I'll get it again too sooner or later. It's just annoying.
  4. The update confirmed that these changes have already been rolled out.
  5. True but even if sellers were able to edit their review, it’d make no difference as the buyers have nothing to lose but it’s a good thing that we can easily prevent this by submitting our review.
  6. That’s messed up. I don’t understand why Fiverr didn’t check the situation on your order and changed the review based on what the client said. Luckily this has never happened to me. Some buyers tried to get their review changed by contacting support, but they were unsuccessful.
  7. Yep, guess we just gotta be quick to leave a feedback once the buyer has submitted their review and it shouldn’t cause any issues. And this 2 years public scores thing is also messed up and unfair.
  8. I was just about to start a thread on this, but you’re quick haha! I have to say, I'm not too fussed about the changes overall. I do think the editable reviews could be a little easier for buyers to exploit your services, though. Just a thought! I've had a few experiences with buyers who were a little impatient. If you're sleeping and they ask you some questions after leaving a review and you don't respond quick enough, they might think you're ignoring them on purpose and threaten you by changing the review with the help of Fiverr support. Luckily, Fiverr doesn't help with these things, but now that we have this feature, I feel like it'll be easier for these buyers to exploit your services. But the great thing is that you can stop them from editing the review by simply leaving your feedback. What do you think?
  9. Pretty relatable. I've myself faced such buyers who do not respond to messages at all. In this situation, the best you can do is to complete the order according to their requirements and deliver it. They can later on ask for revisions if they want to but as you mentioned "the client requested I get their permission with each change I want to make to the account" sounds very complicated. 😂
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