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Everything posted by charlsmcfarlane

  1. Sending a custom offer can be slow, especially on the app. If I set up a milestones offer with 5 milestones and lots of detail, hit "send" and then realise something small needs changing – I can't. I have to begin the whole process again from scratch. On the desktop, I can copy and paste most of the text, so it's not so bad, but most of the text can't be copied on the app, so it can take ages to redo it, just to fix a tiny mistake. Please change the withdraw button so that, when the seller withdraws an offer, the system asks "send a new offer?". If the seller says "yes", create a new offer with all of the same content added to the previous offer, pre-populated. Then the seller can just edit the bits they want and resend very quickly. This would also help with making small tweaks to an offer, if the buyer requests something extra or some other change. Thanks
  2. Give buyers the ability to edit sent messages in order to correct spelling or typing errors. Alongside this, show that the message has been edited and save all versions of the message in the background, so Fiverr support can see what was originally said, if needed.
  3. It would be great to be able to send a custom offer to clients with multiple options. Effectively like sending two different custom offers, but in a more elegant, single-message format. I feel like 2-3 options would be enough. I imagine this might look similar to how it looks when sending a milestones offer. Thanks
  4. I work with many buyers who will not respond to messages within the order chat but will respond in the main inbox. As a result, I find myself copying messages I've sent, into the main inbox. It's inelegant and a little annoying. I do want to keep order-related conversations with the rest of the order information and correspondence. Please make it so messages sent in the order chat will populate in the inbox also. Perhaps tag it as being related to an order and have a link to reply to that message, which takes them to the relevant spot in the order chat. Thanks
  5. I don’t like this With this change in place, any misunderstanding or miscommunication can be blamed entirely on the seller, regardless of the situation. There could be a language barrier, the buyer could have placed an order without fully reading or understanding the description, or they might just change their mind or start asking for things that were never agreed upon. Ask anyone, it happens. Sometimes sellers spend hours working on a job and for a variety of reasons, it just doesn’t work out. At least when this happened and an order was cancelled, a seller could swallow the lost time and money and rest assured that their rating wouldn’t get hammered too. Now, if the order is cancelled, the seller loses the time and money and they’re subject to a one-sided review process. I personally have a very high review rating and a very low cancellation rate, so I don’t expect this to hurt me too much, but I am generally struggling to see the value in this change. I guess it might weed out some poor quality sellers but the problem is, poor quality buyers can continue as they were, without even the chance of getting a negative review. It is already a pretty unfair system where sellers can not review a buyer if the buyer doesn’t review the seller first. This just further weighs the review process in favour of the buyer, at the expense of the seller. Fiverr… • Please pay attention to the countless replies to this. • Please listen to your seller community, who are the core of your business. • Please show you care about buyers and sellers equally and reverse this decision (or, at the very least, show that you’re interested in the process being fair and allow sellers to rate their experience too.) Thank you
  6. Agree completely. I've had situations before where people have put an order in revision so they can get it approved by someone else. Often they're really polite about it and come back quickly to say that they're happy with the order as delivered. Rather than just accepting the order as delivered, you then need to resubmit the same files.
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