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Everything posted by shuvo_va

  1. If a seller work on another marketplace besides Fiverr, does that violation of the Fiverr rule?
  2. Do not focus on gig ranking. Just improve your service quality and ensure buyer satisfaction. Then your gig will rank automatically. First you have to ensure buyer satisfaction by quality service then gig will rank day by day and you will get more order. There is no hidden tricks that rank your gigs and you will get more order.
  3. There is no relation between Tips and gig ranking. When you competitor seller gig perform better than your gig perform then you gig loss the rank. Buyer review is on of the vital factor for ranking.
  4. There is no detrimental issue if you accept a order for a genuine buyer from any country. I mean never get order from fake buyer to get reviews intentionally.
  5. Continue Learning and do hard word to bring success. Best of luck.
  6. You have to learn more and be more professional freelancer. Have to do marketing for your gig service.
  7. One can use auto refresher if he want to get disable the account due to violation of Fiverr TOS.😂 Using Auto refresher, stay online 24/7 etc never bring success for you. Be skilled and more professional on your gig service, marketing skill and communication skill.
  8. Please tell me where you got this information. Would you please give me the reference?
  9. I am requesting If you don't know the correct answer, please don't give wrong answer in the forum. Because by reading the wrong answer, many people will be misguided and suffer loss. A part of liability for these damages rests with the person who gave the wrong answer. We should not do anything that exposes others to harm. 🙏
  10. So will W-9 only be filled by US freelancers? Or for all freelancers of all countries?
  11. First of all you have to know and accept the reality. Freelancing is more difficult than your local job due to world wide competition with top skilled freelancer. You have to show performance day by day. Get more order, get more positive reviews for your gig. Then your gig will rank day by day. Think there are many similar gig performing better than your gig. So bidding on proven performing gigs, you can't expect a non-performing gigs will get ranking. Don't depressed. Focus on solution or way forward. You can not control your gig rank over night. You can work hard to enhance your skills, promote your service. You have to promote your gig to get order. It's control is on your hand. We have to promote our own gig service to build our own freelancing career. When you show your won performance then Fiverr will push up to rank your gig to get more order. First you have to prove your skills and performance .
  12. Can I promote my gig through Google Ads and Facebook Ads?
  13. What is "Form W9"? It is mandatory to fill-up? Always Fiverr send a notification for fill-up w9 form after creating account.
  14. Improving Impression is not related to test. Fiverr is an international marketplace and everybody use English language here. So English Test is a primary requirement for a seller. If you pass English and other skill test then your profile will be more trusted to buyer. You should take the test associated to your main skills.
  15. Learn more, Work hard and do better perform. There is not secrets of getting more order on the Fiverr.
  16. It may happen by many reason: Your service description may be not attractive. So buyer are not interested to buy after reading your service offer. Your service price may be not market standard. You have marketed or shared your gig link on a non qualitied audience. So they are clicking your gig but not buying.
  17. It increase the. Possibility of getting order. Also improve gig ranking by increasing impression.
  18. Not true. Long time online presence does not increase your order. You should focus on your skill development to increase order. Core skill development, Marketing Skill development, Communication skill development.
  19. Fiverr CHOICH is hand picked badge. If your gig continue performing then Fiverr CHOICH stay long time. But If your gig performance down Fiverr CHOICH badge will remove. Fiverr CHOICH badge is selected for some specific keywords not for all keywords. So you will not see badge by searching all keywords.
  20. you have to lean more. If you have proper skills then you would get order with in 1 year. May be you just uploaded your gig and then waiting and waiting for order. You have to learn marketing and then promote your service gig outside Fiverr and bring client for your gig.
  21. All social media platform have millions of users. If you grow your marketing skill then you can get clients from every social media platform.
  22. If you think you have not involved with the academic work for any buyer then you should contact Fiverr support for further clarification or solution. If you have done academic work then never do this violation again in future. Note: Waring recovery time is 30 day's. So be careful for next 30 days. If you do any violation warning in this time your account may be restricted.
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