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Everything posted by biggerant

  1. Yes definitely the manual response is necessary for response rate. but this very first "Automated reply" helps to engage the buyer in every situation whether the buyer sent the requirements in his first message or not.
  2. This is my Automated Reply: "Hi, Thank you for reaching out to me." and it is working really well, whether i am online or not.
  3. My success score was 8 on 14th Feb when they launched the new level system. it drops to 7 on 22 or 23rd Feb (don't know the exact date). Today, it's again increased to 8. is this a dynamic as we have other factors like "order completion rate" or "response time", which changes instantly according to our performance?
  4. Hi @Kesha, Thank you for the update. just wondering how NEO will pick the right seller when dozens of gigs have the same keywords and an equal amount of good reviews. Will it distribute the opportunity equally among the sellers to get a chance to pop out in suggestion or every time the good performing gigs get the benefit?
  5. You should be very clear and straight about the deadlines you can meet. most of the time if a buyer asks me to get a job done in a specific amount of time and if I am busy with other projects and realize that I will not be able to do it in the asking time, I always politely refuse and tell the buyer that I can't make false commitment and can do the work in whatever possible time. then, if the buyer can wait then good otherwise they move on. Never promise the deadline you can't meet. you better know your potential to handle a certain amount of jobs at a time without compromising the quality.
  6. there are a lot of factors playing a role in your ranking. ratings, private ratings, revisions, keywords, conversion rates, click-through rates, other sellers' performance, and the overall search volume of the particular gig. you cannot assume which particular thing can hit your ranking. mostly, if you get any bad reviews let's say below 3 stars or any cancellations then the de-rank is obvious. but that de-ranking or badge removal is not too prompt. it takes a few days or even a few weeks to move the gig down or badge removal. and luckily if you get good reviews like 4,5 good reviews after a bad one then they surely reduce the damage as I experienced. correct me if I am wrong.
  7. So here is some screenshot of my few reviews of this week. there are different options going on, in one order it has 2 options with "Quality of delivery" and in 2nd order it has 3 options with "value for money" and in 3rd order it's the old one as before. it means Fiverr is testing more than one thing. interesting
  8. If you guys look at different profiles of any niche, you can clearly notice that now every seller is getting 4.7, 4.5 or even 4 within a week. this new system is already implemented on all categories, this will change the whole scenario of the ranking system. looks like it's bye-bye for a 5-star rating same as a top-rated badge even when you feel you deserve but the system does not.. 😞
  9. Now I am afraid of reminding a buyer to leave feedback about my services too.
  10. it should be clear. and must match the person taking a selfie.
  11. I think Fiverr is more user-friendly by all means than Upwork. very organized and easy to use for both buyers and sellers. One main difference is that on Fiverr, buyers approach you if your gig fits to their needs same as when you open a store in a market to attract buyers. while on upwork you have to convince the buyers that you can do whatever they need. just like a sales representative or a bidding system to be more precise. but nowadays Fiverr is very tough to kickstart for beginners due to market saturation. and on Upwork, even an experienced struggle to start nowadays.
  12. I am already a level 2 seller. 😍
  13. Yes, even takes less than 30 seconds sometimes. Thank you likewise. 😍
  14. Just got my id verified and guess what it is a pretty simple process. but the thing is you just have to provide valid and clear documents (Mostly CNIC/Passport) and clear live selfie. CNIC Photo and selfie should be the same.
  15. Don't you feel that there should be something in between level 2 and top-rated badges, we all know the vetting process is manual and takes lots of additional metrics into account. but also there are a lot of sellers who possess all the standards for years to become the top Rated but they are not being promoted to TR. which is sometimes very discouraging and frustrating. So, there should be something for them to distinguish them from those who just became level 2. any opinion
  16. Considering the UI/UX. this is a good move by Fiverr. instead of spreading the filters all around, they are gathering them all in one place so buyers don't have to wander left and right to apply them. things will not stay the way they are.
  17. Fiverr should also add "No of canceled Orders" in buyer insights to make the insights more transparent. Any thoughts?
  18. No, he just completed one order all time. No other orders.
  19. I was just checking the inbox of one of my clients and just got an eye on this seller plus Metrics where he has an "Average order price* " under $35. and he just completed one order and that was with me of $1200. How can this be under 35$ then. ??? I don't get it. 😕
  20. Do I need to approach my success manager to ask him/her for a "Top Rated" recommendation or it's automatic when somebody eligible for "Top Rated". Does the success manager recommend their sellers without being approached? because I never use this SM feature.
  21. Yes that is the point. Thank you for pointing it out. Definitely, I always send the sample or work with a watermark.
  22. Sometimes some clients come up with a task for which I am not 100% sure that I will do it on the first place. but I thought that if I will give it a try then maybe I will be able to do it. so i told the client that i will send him the work according to his requirements and if you like it then you will place the order (obviously after knowing/analyzing that he will not run away with the work for free.). Is this against Fiverr TOS (sending the work and then if it qualifies the requirements of the client then getting the order placed)?
  23. Hi @mandyzines as far as i experienced, if you are getting enough orders like "an order a day" then your completion rate will not fall below 98 to 99% which is very safe. but it still depends upon your niche and other factors that play a role in whether your gig lost ranking or not after cancellation. here I also want to mention that having multiple gigs running altogether will save you because mostly cancellations affect the gig that causes the cancellation and if you have multiple gigs, they will cover the damage somehow. and as far as the overall impact on the account, once i had 2 orders canceled within 60 days due to some personal reasons and my completion rate fell around 95% which caused me to lose promoted gig eligibility for some time, but once that 60-day gray period was over I got all promotions back.
  24. I have completed 470 orders since I joined Fiverr, and I got 9 orders canceled so far. the number is fair enough or high?
  25. I just checked your profile as you are new seller on this platform. don't need to worry about this. sometimes it happens. just keep in mind, once you deliver your order right on time, the standing revision for a longer period will not affect your profile stats, you are safe from "late delivery". as far as buyer messages, this seems he/she is upset with the final design, and not getting enough time to send you the changes, so sending him/her the work again may lead to a bad review or cancellation of the order. Just contact customer support and tell all the issues you are facing with proof/screenshots to see what they can suggest.
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