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Posts posted by grayprogrammerz

  1. 3 hours ago, abdheshkjha said:

    Dear All,

    On this GIG, I saw changes on two metrics, I have attached the screenshot for the same, I don't know what I consider this, please review and guide me on this.

    Brochure gig.png

    Its simple. Orders you completed from 23 to 31 improved "order cancellations", but demoted "conflict free orders".


    So were there any orders completed within that range, having tensions ?

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    They might have experienced low income but do you think they should become crybabies when they are getting $250 projects every time? They should be grateful and also should feel lucky that they are better than the newbies. 

    They should be proud what they are currently, no doubt.

    They are already TRS, %1, having highest scores compare to other sellers in market.


    But there's another factor, target. I have seen guys even earning 3-6K+ a month, complaining.

    and some are even happier with $5. Depends on brain, location and category.

    Sparrow is happy for just being able to fly and eagle isn't happy, even cutting sky. lol

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  3. 15 hours ago, deborafazliu said:



    First one points to disputes among orders. (Revisions,tensions and pulls in some orders...)
    Second need improvement in stars of value for money.
    Third states some clients shown dissatisfaction or anger in Inbox.


    There's also private reviews, which we won't be sure as they hidden.

    10 hours ago, deborafazliu said:

    The same designer that did this project from start to finish has been working with me since day one. My team is doing great for sure, they are amazing architects and designers. What doesn't make sense, is the fact that out of 600+ amazing reviews, the "most relevant" one is the one with 3.7 stars. Let's say my quality of work went down, and you guys are right, does that mean that 5 years of experience, hard work and amazing projects are completely worthless and I deserve to be level 0? 

    Considering that the past few months we have created some of our best projects to date, it definitely doesn't add up.

    Please understand that AI lacks common sense. It calculates weight using force level and then sorts by date.

    I hope following is enough to explain


    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Kesha said:

    I’m curious: what are some strategies and things you consider when setting your prices?

    My factors:

    - Overload (more overload, more high rate)

    - Mood (Sometimes I'm not in mood for work. So I raise to take breath)

    - Value (how much project gonna provide value ? How many of competitors are capable of doing same job ?)

    2 hours ago, Kesha said:

    What have you found to be most effective in establishing a rate that converts clients while also ensuring a sustainable and profitable freelancing journey for you?

    First strong profile (great reviews) that attract client to DM

    Then strong Communication to grab (by hitting the client's concern/questions they raise)

    and charge whatever you want!

    and fulfilling your promise on TIME, to re-begin loop

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  5. 1 hour ago, purpledog32 said:

    I was hoping that Fiverr would make adjustments to its new level system...but that's not going to happen. After 10yrs. on Fiverr, today I paused my 2 gigs and will wait for the rest of my earnings to clear before I deactivate my account. This has been a tough decision, but Fiverr has made the road to success full of impossible roadblocks like "private reviews" and a success score that never moves despite 5 star reviews and tips. I'm not sure why Fiverr has made things so difficult for sellers to succeed. Their new system lacks the transparency they boast about. Fiverr has turned into an automated, AI robot. Being a seller on Fiverr now feels like a greyhound running as fast as it can around the track in hopes of catching that fox. I'm tired of being a greyhound running as fast as I can around Fiverr's track to impossible success.

    You gave 10 years on Fiverr and I hope you know what you are doing.

    But maybe isn't it better if you let it run as a side business, instead of closing completely ?

    There are many guys using all fiverr, upwork and other marketplaces...


    Initially my score on one gig was 8. Gradually it decreased to 5.

    I noticed my private ratings weren't good, some profiles can show hidden metrics like "quality of delivery" and "value of delivery"

    So I started asking happy buyers for private reviews.

    and now it increased to 8 now.


    I understand current leveling system is more tough.

    But I'm happier, because its cleaning competition for me.

    From time to time, I'm understanding algorithm and improving score.


    I'm sorry for you.

    Hope your decision would be based on calculations, not emotions.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

    What about the Fiverr App? Still experiencing the same issue?

    Fiverr app works very good.

    But I can't use it. Because most of my work is on Windows side, I have to copy paste etc...
    Also I fear tiny keyboard of mobile is no match to my thumb size.


    Maybe I would need to use android emulator, if inbox keeps going like that...

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

    Refresh the page and then try again

    I'm experiencing this bug consistently since yesterday.

    I chatted 5-6 guys so far in that period, it persists.


    Maybe something issue on Fiverr's end.

    Because my browser and overall system is the same for many months.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, marscaleb said:

    I frequently have to deal with various sellers completely ghosting me when I ask for a price for a job I want to hire for.  It gets very frustrating, and I have a hard time fathoming it.  I am offering money for a job; even if it's not a job you want to take you should at least say so.

    The only thing I can fathom is that many of these sellers/artists get inundated with requests from newbies who suddenly disappear when they see the price tag.  And I will admit, the job I am currently looking for is going to be a very hefty price tag, and I am asking some high-quality artists because I know what I'm looking for.  That sounds to me like the kind of situation that attracts people who don't really know what they are asking for.

    So if that's the case, the problem is that I don't look any different from these people that are wasting the sellers' time.

    I have a thought on that subject that I'd hope the people at fiverr would consider, although I also want to hear from others here because maybe there's a problem that I don't see.

    So you mean, sellers you contact become quite when you offer budget ?

    Maybe budget is lowest, such that they don't even bother to negotiate.

    or maybe they don't want to risk their stats from new buyer.

    (Why: Order cancellation or low rating throws a seller out of search engine making almost low or no chance of selling again, except repeat buyers)


    2 hours ago, marscaleb said:

    When contacting a seller, it would be nice if the buyer had a badge by their name to indicate how much money they've spent on fiverr gigs.  eg, an icon when they've spent $100, $500, $1000, or even $5000.  That way when I contact a seller about a job that would easily cost over $500 they can see that I am a serious buyer who has spent over $1000 on gigs through my fiverr history.  We don't need to reveal my full history nor do I want to force the sellers to go to a separate page to see this.  But a simple bage to show I am a serious buyer would be nice.

    Its not needed. Even if you have reviews from good sellers, that would work.

    By the way, seller plus package also expose buyer's average order range.


    Not sure what's your way.

    If I were you, I would write my requirements and launched a brief.

    Then you will be contacted by many serious sellers with their possibilities.


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  9. 42 minutes ago, creativecolumn said:



    It's still available on the Order Page,. Browser fetch their JavaScript library, and the Grammerly button is still active (hidden under HTML).

    yes I can see icon on order page and I was wrong

    Sorry for misunderstanding

    Mostly I use inbox. I remember now, I disabled icon on order page long ago, so didn't realized.

    • Like 3
  10. 7 hours ago, kingpirux said:

    i did it, suddenly now the overheat stopped, i dont know if they fixed it after seeing this warning, but the gramarly errors still exist so it wasnt only that.

    If Fiverr does bug fixes in 24 hour, they would have fixed existing ones already (which appeared for months, even  now i can point many...)


    So issue seems about browser, like Alex mentioned

    I use Firefox 95, never had any that % cpu issue with Fiverr

    Sometime % memory gets heavier, but only on Inbox page

    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, kingpirux said:

    I don't know what is fiverr using or why,  only happens in fiverr.com while reading a gig's work page, the CPU could reach up to 22% by doing anything. is this your AI reading the text? is there crypto mining in the background? why is this happening? is really not cool.


    Notice console tab, its filled with "grammarly" messages...

    Fiverr stopped supporting grammarly many months ago

    I suggest re-analyzing while turning off all browser extensions, so they don't interfere in result


    Other that, I'm aware website is quite heavy and bunch of bugs

    Mobile android app looks opposite, fast and friendly


    • Like 5
  12. 2 hours ago, shahmurad2 said:

    Is there anyone here who has successfully improved their success score after it dropped low? Kindly share your experience so we can stay motivated.

    yes i improved, on one gig from 6 to 7

    i see new key "value for money" on that

    so i guess score focuses on endorsements on specific key points like value for money, quality of delivery, communication etc

    • Like 10
  13. 28 minutes ago, gastree said:

    Customer Support Doesnt Care About Sellers !

    No doubt in that

    I only go to CS, when something is necessary and isn't possible on my side

    But their response rate looks criminal


    My previous ticket was to change my response to review (as client changed their review)

    It took 8 days for something which takes less than 5 min

    • Like 4
  14. 1 hour ago, muratnalcaci said:

    This might sound strange, but when I check, I see some sellers with 200+ ratings still in Level 1. What could be causing this? Do some sellers give $5 mock orders just to receive a 5-star rating and positive feedback?

    I don't think they bought reviews.


    There are even guys with 1000+ reviews, even 5-10 years of seniority working on Fiverr...

    Still with no level.


    With new success score update, mostly were demoted.

    In search bar, I can see, few are now leveled sellers compared to what it was before.

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