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About kabirbd66

  • Birthday 12/01/1904


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  1. My Gig ranking dropdown and yet I didn't get any Brief. I'm confused what to do in this situation, ☹️
  2. Fiverr's algorithm is very unique. Here your success is measured based on your skills. At the same time, your success in Fiver depends on how well you can deliver quality work. At my new Gig, I got a few orders and the gig was well-ranked. But due to some personal issues, I became somewhat erratic. If I could give time today, I couldn't give time tomorrow. As a result, some of my orders are rushed. Also, the conversion rate starts to decrease. And now the impression count has come to zero. It is somewhat hurtful. But it showed how strict and accurate the Fiverr algorithms are.
  3. Your gig rank depends on lots of metrics, Image is also one of the ranking factor. You can change it anytime for sure, but Fiverr doesn't guarantee that your gig will not affected by this action. The affect can be both positive or negative. This is why its always said to take time before publishing a new gig. If you really feel that your image have to change than do it, then start working on gig promotion. Happy freelancing!
  4. Some time the messages goes to spam, so, make sure there is no messages in spam.
  5. If you can't get fun on what you are doing, you are doing the wrong thing.

    Digital marketing is my Passion.

  6. I think you nailed it pretty well. Fiverr want new buyer this is why they reduce impression.
  7. Here is no age restriction. If you are an expert on specific field you can shine through this platform. No one care whether you are teen or adult, Everyone looking for experience person. If you think you know better your job. Be patience success is not far from your door.
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