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Everything posted by shahzadaseo

  1. So, then I think I can give you quality clients to buy your gig services.
  2. Hi, If you're encountering an issue with your Gig description on Fiverr and receiving an error message stating "Description contains illegal characters," it means that you have included characters that are not allowed or recognized by the platform. To fix this, here are some steps you can take: Remove Special Characters: Check your Gig description for any special characters, symbols, or non-standard punctuation marks. Remove any characters that are not letters, numbers, or basic punctuation like commas or periods. Avoid HTML Tags: Ensure that you have not used any HTML tags or coding in your description. Fiverr does not support HTML or any coding elements in Gig descriptions. Check for Uncommon Characters: Review your description for any less common or foreign characters, diacritical marks, or accents. Remove or replace such characters with their standard equivalents. Eliminate Emojis: If you have used emojis in your Gig description, remove them. Emojis are not recognized as valid characters on Fiverr and can trigger the "illegal characters" error. Remove Unusual Formatting: Check for any unusual formatting, excessive spacing, or excessive use of capitalization or punctuation. Simplify the formatting to basic text without any extravagant stylings. Proofread and Rewrite: Read through your Gig description carefully and rewrite it in a clear and concise manner. Make sure it accurately describes your services, skills, and what clients can expect. Contact Fiverr Support: If you have reviewed and edited your Gig description but still encounter the same error, consider reaching out to Fiverr's customer support for assistance. They can provide specific guidance on the issue and help resolve it. Remember to save your changes after making any modifications to your Gig description. By following these steps and ensuring your description adheres to Fiverr's guidelines, you should be able to fix the "Description contains illegal characters" issue. Regards, Shahid Nawaz (Shahzadaseo)
  3. Hi, If your gigs are not showing up in search results or in the active/online gigs section despite being active, here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue: Ensure your gigs are properly categorized: Double-check that your gigs are listed under the appropriate category and subcategory. Sometimes, incorrect categorization can cause your gigs to be less visible or not show up in relevant search results. Review gig keywords and tags: Check if the keywords and tags you've used in your gigs are relevant, accurate, and aligned with the services you offer. Optimize your gig titles, descriptions, and tags to improve their visibility in search results. Evaluate gig pricing and competition: Assess your pricing strategy and compare it with other similar gigs in your niche. If your pricing is significantly higher than the competition, it could affect your visibility. Consider adjusting your prices to be more competitive and appealing to potential buyers. Enhance gig descriptions and images: Make sure your gig descriptions are informative, engaging, and clearly highlight the benefits and uniqueness of your services. Use high-quality images or videos that accurately represent your offerings. Well-presented and attractive gigs tend to attract more attention. Seek customer reviews and feedback: Encourage your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your gigs. Positive reviews can improve your gig's credibility and increase its visibility in search results. Maintain activity and responsiveness: Stay active on the platform, respond promptly to inquiries, and engage with potential buyers. Platforms often prioritize active sellers, so consistent activity can positively impact your gig's visibility. Contact platform support: If you've followed the above steps and are still experiencing issues with gig visibility, reach out to the customer support or help center of the platform you're using. They can investigate the matter further and provide guidance specific to their platform. Remember, it's essential to adhere to the platform's guidelines and policies while optimizing your gigs. Each platform may have its own algorithms and ranking factors, so staying up-to-date with their recommendations and best practices can help improve your gig's visibility. Regards, Shahid Nawaz (Shahzadaseo)
  4. Make sure your gig title and description are clear, concise, and compelling. Highlight the unique selling points of your service and use relevant keywords to improve visibility in search results.
  5. Make sure your gig title and description are clear, concise, and compelling. Highlight the unique selling points of your service and use relevant keywords to improve visibility in search results.
  6. Hello everyone! I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and express my enthusiasm for being part of this vibrant community. My name is Shahid Nawaz, and I specialize in digital marketing and SEO. I have been following the discussions on this forum for some time now, and I have been impressed by the level of knowledge and expertise shared here. I believe that engaging with like-minded professionals is a valuable opportunity for growth and learning. I'm excited to connect with fellow digital marketers and SEO enthusiasts to exchange ideas, share insights, and contribute to the collective knowledge of this community. If you have any questions related to digital marketing, SEO strategies, or any other related topics, feel free to reach out to me. Let's build connections, inspire each other, and work towards achieving our digital marketing goals together. I look forward to engaging in meaningful discussions and connecting with all of you. Thank you, and have a great day! Best regards, Shahid Nawaz
  7. Hello everyone!

    I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and express my enthusiasm for being part of this vibrant community. My name is Shahid Nawaz, and I specialize in digital marketing and SEO.

    I have been following the discussions on this forum for some time now, and I have been impressed by the level of knowledge and expertise shared here. I believe that engaging with like-minded professionals is a valuable opportunity for growth and learning.

    I'm excited to connect with fellow digital marketers and SEO enthusiasts to exchange ideas, share insights, and contribute to the collective knowledge of this community. If you have any questions related to digital marketing, SEO strategies, or any other related topics, feel free to reach out to me.

    Let's build connections, inspire each other, and work towards achieving our digital marketing goals together. I look forward to engaging in meaningful discussions and connecting with all of you.

    Thank you, and have a great day!

    Best regards,
    Shahid Nawaz 

  8. Hi, If you have moved to a different country and your location has changed, it is generally recommended to update your location on your Fiverr account. This helps ensure accurate information and prevents any potential issues related to geolocation or payment processing. Here are a few important points to consider: Geolocation and Local Search: Fiverr uses geolocation to match buyers with sellers in their local area or preferred location. Updating your location will ensure that you appear in relevant search results for your current country, potentially increasing your visibility to local buyers. Payment and Withdrawal: Fiverr's payment and withdrawal methods may vary depending on your location. By updating your location, you can access the appropriate payment options available in the UAE and avoid any potential issues with receiving or withdrawing funds. Account Verification: Fiverr may require identity verification when changing your location or updating personal information. This is a standard procedure to ensure the security and legitimacy of accounts. Profile and Gig Impact: Changing your location should not directly impact your profile or gigs. However, it's essential to review and update any location-specific information in your profile or gig descriptions to accurately reflect your current location. To request a location change on Fiverr, you can reach out to their customer support team. Provide them with the necessary details and documentation, if required, to update your account information. Remember to make any necessary adjustments to your profile, gig descriptions, and relevant settings to ensure consistency with your new location. This will help maintain transparency and accuracy in your Fiverr profile and avoid any potential complications related to location discrepancies. Regards, Shahid Nawaz (Shahzadaseo)
  9. Hello, There are certain important points which will make you more successful seller and seller plus as well. Build a strong reputation with positive reviews. Maintain high ratings and performance metrics. Offer a unique and in-demand service. Consistently generate sales. Participate actively in the Fiverr community. Follow Fiverr's terms of service. Be proactive and responsive to buyer inquiries. Strive for excellence and continuous improvement. Recognize that selection as a Seller Plus is at Fiverr's discretion. Regards, Shahid Nawaz (Shahzadaseo)
  10. Hello, While you may not have control over platform-wide features, you can continue to deliver exceptional service as a seller. Ensuring timely communication, meeting deadlines, and providing high-quality work will enhance the buyer's overall experience on Fiverr.
  11. Hi, The automatic system used to rank or de-rank gigs on platforms like Fiverr typically considers various factors, including: Relevance: The system assesses the relevance of a gig to the search query entered by a user, giving higher priority to gigs that closely match the user's search terms. Performance: Factors such as the gig's conversion rate, customer satisfaction, response time, and order completion rate are considered to determine its ranking. Positive performance indicators can boost a gig's ranking. Engagement: The system takes into account the level of engagement a gig receives, such as clicks, views, and favorites. Higher engagement signals a gig's popularity and may lead to improved rankings. Quality: The system evaluates the quality of the gig's description, images, and overall presentation. Well-crafted and visually appealing gigs tend to be prioritized. The specific subjects prioritized may vary based on the platform and user behavior. The system aims to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality gigs that match their search intent, ensuring a positive experience for both buyers and sellers.
  12. Understand your target audience and their needs. Create compelling headlines to grab attention. Focus on the benefits of your product, not just its features. Use descriptive and engaging language to evoke emotions. Incorporate social proof, such as testimonials and reviews. Keep the description clear, concise, and scannable. Include high-quality images that showcase your product. Utilize relevant keywords for SEO. Provide clear calls-to-action to guide customers. Test and iterate to optimize your descriptions over time.
  13. Hello Tushiba, Welcome to Fiverr, the world's leading marketplace for creative and professional services! We are thrilled to have you join our vibrant community of talented individuals, and we're excited to witness your journey unfold.
  14. Send a polite and professional message to the buyer, explaining the situation and apologizing for the delay. Let them know that you have completed the work and are ready to deliver it as soon as they are available.
  15. To become a Top Rated Seller on Fiverr, in addition to meeting the standards to become a Pro Seller, you need to fulfill the following requirements: Consistent high-quality work Volume of sales and earnings On-time delivery Excellent customer satisfaction Low cancellation rate Community leadership It's essential to remember that the process of becoming a Top Rated Seller on Fiverr is not solely based on meeting specific criteria, but it also involves subjective evaluations by Fiverr's team. They consider factors like overall professionalism, communication, responsiveness, and adherence to Fiverr's Terms of Service. [Mod note: please do not copy/paste without citing source. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/15140188560913-Top-Rated-Sellers]
  16. Ranking a Fiverr gig faster depends on several factors. Keywords and optimization High-quality gig content Positive reviews and ratings Order completion rate Response time and rate Gig performance and engagement Seller level and performance All above points are from my Personal Experience.
  17. You don't need to be Active 24/7. You can just be online during your work hours.
  18. Please raise a ticket to Internal Support Team.
  19. Regularly review and update your gig to keep it fresh and relevant. Monitor keywords and make adjustments if needed. Experiment with different descriptions, tags, or pricing strategies to see what works best.
  20. If you're facing frequent power outages and are unable to stay online for extended periods, Then Here is my Suggestion for you. Invest in a backup power solution such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a power bank. These devices can provide temporary power to your internet modem, router, or laptop during power outages, allowing you to stay online for a limited time.
  21. You should have a strong professional background with a demonstrated track record of excellence in your field. This may include relevant work experience, a portfolio of high-quality projects, or positive client testimonials. However, Only 1% is getting approved and hopefully you will get positive response.
  22. Regularly review and update your gig to keep it fresh and relevant. Monitor keywords and make adjustments if needed. Experiment with different descriptions, tags, or pricing strategies to see what works best.
  23. You are absolutely right Sir. I'm facing these things in SEO. Mostly buyers come and place order when we deliver the work they demand no.1 ranking. If someone place order without having a detailed information of what thing he is going to hire then I think they will come to know SEO takes time. Anyways sometimes we can say bad luck for seller when he found such type of buyers.
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