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Everything posted by hh_rana

  1. You can create your personal branding on social media. Then you can share your work.
  2. Try to do proper marketing! Just copy-paste the URL will not work.
  3. WRONG! Staying online will not help at all. How possible to be active all time? Do you have any magic?
  4. You can do proper marketing. Just copy-paste your URL will not work. You can create your personal branding on social media then you can share your work. When someone wants to buy your service then you can share your Fiverr URL.
  5. Contact the support. I think they will fix it ASAP!
  6. WRONG! Stay active will not help at all!
  7. Stay online will not help you at all! You can do proper marketing!
  8. Just Gig share will not work! You need to do proper marketing.
  9. You can do proper marketing! Just copy-paste your URL will not work!
  10. There is no easy way! You can do proper marketing.
  11. Just copy-paste your Fiverr profile URL will not work! Try to create your branding on social media.
  12. WRONG! Please don't provide the wrong information. Staying active will not help at all. How can you be active 24/7?
  13. Be patient! Try to do proper marketing!
  14. NO! Stay active will not help you at all! Try to do proper marketing. Just copy-paste will not work.
  15. AI! Don't break Fiverr forum rules!
  16. Please know that your performance is monitored on a daily basis, therefore, while your Gig may be unqualified today, this may change tomorrow. What you need to do now is to keep providing the best services possible.
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