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Everything posted by prographics912

  1. Definitely Yes. Pricing plays a very important role in getting orders. If you set it too High Customers will skip you because there are many available services in customer price range. If you set it too low, customers will think you are not professional or you don't provide Quality service. However, For beginners, you can set a little lower price than your competitors but not too low. If you are confident about your service set a professional price.
  2. First of all I will ensure you this is very normal and everyone is facing this issue. It is true that there are many fake buyers in fiverr. Every seller face this problem. Sellers who are doing well, they face this problem most. You know fiverr is working against fake buyers. But not every new user is fake. There are many new and real buyers are coming. So, You should communicate them well and you can get an idea about the buyer by communication. Hope You understand. Best of luck.
  3. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. If you not getting order, don't waste time. It's very important time for you. Improve your skill.
  4. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. If you not getting order, don't waste time. It's very important time for you. Improve your skill.
  5. You need to improve your English at first. Then improve your skill. Research on fiverr. You can see your competitors providing very quality service then you. Why buyer will choose you? So, my suggestion will be Improve your skill and English.
  6. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. If you not getting order, don't waste time. It's very important time for you. Improve your skill.
  7. Congrats for your 1st order. Design a portfolio professional website. Spend time on buyer request. Attach your portfolio website with buyer request. Spend some time to improve your skill and learning every day. Improve your communication skill.
  8. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. If you not getting order, don't waste time. It's very important time for you. Improve your skill.
  9. Maybe your main service is Social media management. Am I right? The main problem is you use a irrelevant. Use a relevant video, if you don't have use just image. Also, you need to improve your image. After that keep sending buyer requests. Hope you will understand.
  10. Welcome back! As you know it's normal. I suggest you focus on buyer request and get some clients. If you complete some order with customer satisfaction your gig will rank again.
  11. @happydeskMaybe you did not get my point. If support agent cancel your order, they ensure that it will not impact on account’s statistics. But if you sent chancel request or the buyer sent chancel request and you accept, this will impact on account’s statistics.
  12. It depends. If it's not your fault, you can contact support. If they cancel the order, it will not affect on your gig. But this your fault and canceled by you/buyer, then it will be harmful.
  13. Just asking frankly, do you want to be ranked in the 1st page for lifetime? Then what should the new sellers do? Fiverr always give opportunity to new sellers. You should make your buyers satisfy and make them repeated. How ca you solve this: Keep sending buyer request. As you are a level 1 seller, buyers will notice you easily. Keep up excellent work, your gig will rank again.
  14. This is normal on Fiverr. Buyers contact many sellers at a time. Maybe they chose you but after some time another seller who has better skills than you convince the buyer. Sometimes the buyer are really busy because they have another business. So, keep patience and Keep up good works.
  15. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. If you not getting order, don't waste time. It's very important time for you. Improve your skill.
  16. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. If you not getting order, don't waste time. It's very important time for you. Improve your skill.
  17. Hey there, After completing a order, the balance will be pending for 14 days. If you check the earning tab you can see it's pending for clearance. After 14 days it will be available for withdrawal.
  18. From my personal experience, I think you should contact Fiverr support ASAP. They are very helpful. Describe your problem professionally and clearly. They will give you a perfect solution.
  19. Hi there, it's very normal issue. Fiverr have to create opportunity for all people. Don't think that you will rank on 1st page for life time. So, make buyer satisfied and make them repeating buyers. After a certain time you will get good rank again.
  20. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. If you not getting order, don't waste time. It's very important time for you. Improve your skill.
  21. Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line.
  22. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. If you not getting order, don't waste time. It's very important time for you. Improve your skill.
  23. Fiverr is testing this feature. Only the seller who verified their identity and have Seller plus subscription they got this.
  24. Adding good quality images, description to get buyer's attention is necessary. But as a new seller, you have no recommendation. You need to send 10 buyer Requests. But you will still face the same problem. Buyer will not respond because you did not have recommendations/ reviews. Solution: Create a portfolio site and showcase your practice work and previous work. So, the buyer can trust you. Read carefully with a short time and respond quickly. You need to describe the buyer problem/ project shortly with 2-3 line. Keep practicing, improve your skill. Be professional and honest.
  25. Hi Davide, You know that Contact out of Fiverr violate TOS of fiverr. As you don't know what is going on this platform, I am sharing my personal experience. People who directly telegram or WhatsApp undoubtedly they are spammers. You can find this spammers every steps on Fiverr. Fiverr team ban their account every day but they create new accounts and do their job again and again. If you see the "buyer request" option, 90% are from fake buyer ( my category is SMM and design). Don't deal with suspicious people, people who offer huge amount with little job. However, we are are used with this and doing great business with good peoples. Best wishes for you!
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