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Everything posted by markauther

  1. private review system really sucks!! trust me it is not helping the sellers in anyway, we get to know we are having negative feedback from Buyers when the damage is already been done
  2. same question in my mind as well, as I'm fed up of this private review thingy
  3. hello!! sellers would be able to see the answers of these questions or these answers will be kept private?
  4. Thank you so much @catwriter for sharing your advise I will try to do that now
  5. Hi there fellow members!!! I came here to share my thoughts regarding Private review system of Fiverr, I think it needs to be improved, because private review is an option which is given to buyers to share their feedback regarding sellers after 24 hours of public review placed, My objection of you can say I don't agree with this review system a little flawed, For example buyers evaluate the sellers performance twice, like why? if a certain buyer leave the review publicly they a brutally honest and don't put filters I think so why do they need to review once again the seller after 24 hours?? is fiverr skeptical regarding their own sellers? Fiverr gives the reason behind private review options its for improving the seller performance? like how it would help us where we are not getting to know the flaws In our services, I received no negative review past 6-7 months with 99% 5 star rating still my gig got de-ranked, Why? and how? when I contacted my manager he said most of the buyers leave different public and private reviews? My question is of it is for the betterment of sellers then we are not allowed to view the Private review, how can we know how we can improve where is the flaw and all that?? or if the private the review is for improvement of Fiverr platform to make the user experience better then why the seller is affected by that? Furthermore my concern is most of the buyers don't even Bother to leave feedback, how all things are evaluated? if lets say 6 out of 10 buyers have a good experience and 4 have bad, 2 of them leave a negative review and out of 6 good experience only 1 of them leave a private review whereas rest of 5 have left good review publicly but don't bother to leave a private review how these things will work? its not helping seller's performance at all.
  6. I have gig promotion feature, but still gig is no where in search, can anyone guide me?? or someone else is facing this issue?
  7. a sudden boost to new sellers but demotivation to old ones
  8. Thank you so much responding me, so now if a buyer wants to have zoom meeting before placing order, should I start straight away or send him a gig for zoom meeting?
  9. Hello! can someone help me understand, when to use zoom call feature? when buyer has placed order or before the seller placed order to understand requirements?
  10. thank you so much for creating this forum! I was so upset that Why I'm not getting any requests!!
  11. Hello! can anybody help me understand, does cancellation of incomplete orders by customer support affects overall gig performance?
  12. but it does affect your overall order completion duration
  13. these are actual, thorough and amazing tips, rest of the tips you get on forum are actually becoming obsolete. Thumbs Up
  14. yes it will effect for some time period but if you keep doing good work you will be on first pages soon
  15. I would try reaching out to CS and see what they say. This happened to me a while back and there was indeed an issue which they managed to fix. As long as you still get new orders I wouldn’t worry too much. I can only new order through social media or old buyers there is no order from new buyers.
  16. I’m 38% but I’m no where in search, that’s pretty SAD I’m Level two seller on fiverr working since 2018 and I have completed almost 4000 orders. BUT its been a Month My gig is not appearing in search and not even on any page. I do share my gig on social media daily and got new order too. but can’t see my gig anywhere.
  17. wow thats great!! keep going
  18. same here. it sometimes demotivates me too. de raking for uncertain period of time and you do not even know whether it will come back or not. I can see most of the sellers in my category have lost their ranking since moths who used to be on page one. If it will happen repetitively, I’m afraid who would opt Fiverr as full time source of income
  19. It does work, and yes higher the bidding amount the better position you secure. and you limit the budget for daily spending so once you have consumed that budget your gig wont be promoted for that day so more people can enjoy the benefits
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