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Everything posted by levinewman

  1. Prove they weren't vetted and I'll retract my statement. Proof matters.
  2. It clearly can be both. There are Pro and TRS sellers for premium work and there are other people for varying budgets and opportunities. And Fiverr is smart to leverage both.
  3. You're not wrong. But you can't measure the immeasurable. You can only measure the stats.
  4. I will 100% agree with you that people lie about what they can do. It's not exclusive to Fiverr. Can Fiverr do a better job of vetting things? Sure. But the world is the world is the world. Sales still matter more, especially to Fiverr.
  5. That's fine. But you're in the minority. There are also people who only buy "American made". Also the minority. I work on Amazon and I can tell you that the majority don't even read the dang content. They look at the stars, skim the content, spend more time reading peoples' reviews, and then buy.
  6. Think of it in the simplest terms: capitalism. If those users have crummy English, and they're still kicking your butt in sales, maybe, just maybe, it's not about English. It's about sales. People clearly hire them and they're clearly making enough money to interest leadership. Money is the only factor in this regard. I'm not saying other things don't matter, but sales will always override feelings.
  7. And still, Amazon is one of the most successful businesses on the planet, and English by their users is horrendous. You're trying to dictate personal users which has nothing to do with Fiverr. I'm not saying it's not important for visual professionalism, but it's not something you, I, or Fiverr can dictate because this is a global platform and success isn't language based outside of specific areas.
  8. I've seen many people who have tons of forum posts that just use the forums to belittle other people. So, I hold no value in forum posting. Are there people helping? Sure. But the large majority spend time insulting others that don't know any better or are unwilling to rock the boat and say something back. And for those worried about the English language, I'm sure they know this isn't an American company and that English is only the third most common native spoken language. Barely above Arabic.
  9. Also, I've lurked here and there @visualstudios, and I know why you wanted to bring in Mike and Vickie. And while many other people don't call your poor behavior out, I've seen you attack and belittle users time and again. But go ahead and give me your best shot. I'm not like the other users I've seen you push around. I've got two bachelor's degrees, spent 10 years in the Army, participated in OEF 1 for those keeping combat "score" at home, and have been recognized by Fiverr, Forbes, MSN, Business Insider, and more for my freelancing success. So, if you want to belittle me like everyone else, go ahead. It says more about you than it does me. But do know I've talked to multiple people about the very specific people and behaviors that go on here, which is why this will be the only time I post about this very topic.
  10. Sure, AMAZON the site does that. And so does Fiverr. I don't know if you've ever shopped on Amazon, but millions of successful products have poorly written content. The world is what it is.
  11. Because I don't have social media. And that was pretty much the only standard limiting successful people from becoming Pros at the time. So I didn't bother. Social media is a hindrance in most cases and has no bearing on the quality of the work or the capabilities of the provider.
  12. As much as I'd like to be biased and say proper English should be the standard, the truth is that English isn't even the first language of probably more than half of the people here. Again, depending on your chosen profession or industry, Pro can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I'd hire tons of people for tons of jobs even if their English was poor because I trust them to do things I can't do and that has nothing to do with language. It's not as simple as saying "Good English = Professional".
  13. Then I don't know what to tell you. You know a thousand people out there in corporate jobs just mailing it in and they look good without doing anything. It's no different anywhere else. They're doing what they can do.
  14. I never applied to be a Pro. My suggestion to them was that Pro didn't really mean anything here because there was no baseline for what "Pro" meant. Putting a Pro up with 1 review versus someone like me with 8,000 created illegitimacy for the site. So, I'm assuming (assuming being the keyword) that this was their decision to make real experience worthy of being Pro and creating more distinction and legitimacy.
  15. You're too kind. I'm no better or worse than anyone here. I just keep to myself and do the work. No secret methods. I have no social media. Just hard work.
  16. I was a TRS who received the "You're now a PRO" email without applying to PRO. It was my suggestion to leadership a few weeks ago to implement something in this vein to separate consistency and experience over "PROs" who didn't/don't have real Fiverr experience; only references to outside work. A few of my stats/notables: 9 Years on Fiverr 10,000+ Jobs Completed $1.4 million in Fiverr Sales 99% Approval Rating 5-Star Average Chosen to Ring the Bell on the NYSE when Fiverr went Public (You can see me on Mr. Kaufman's LinkedIn banner - far right) Multiple Meetings with Leadership One-on-One Meeting with Mr. Kaufman Next Week
  17. I’m definitely interested in Seller Plus.
  18. My average selling price is $47 per order. A year ago today it was $8. Progress.
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