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Everything posted by phoebe_johnson

  1. Only one thing- focus on building professional relations with your clients b going the extra mile and showing you care can turn one-time gigs into long-term working relations.
  2. I received an invitation from Terry Rice and fiverr team, but it was canceled because of a technical issue.
  3. @Kesha I also received the beautiful award from Fiverr, but I did not get any mention in the event's promotional video or testimonials. Any specific reason?
  4. It can be hard to believe until you experience it yourself
  5. I'm sure you'll have your own success journey to share soon :)
  6. Honestly, it’s been a mix. My 2 brothers and husband help me out sometimes, which has been a huge support. Now, I’m planning something for 2.0. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can do it!
  7. Hello Everyone! I’m super happy to share some amazing news. I’ve hit the $1 million mark on Fiverr last month! 🎉 Let me take you back to where it all started. Picture this: it’s a evening, and I’m sitting in my mother's apartment, scrolling through the Fiverr forum, reading success stories, and wondering if I could ever be one of those people. I had just created my first gig, a little nervous, don't know why but my hands were shaking still full of hope. 1. Love What You Do When I kicked off, it was all about passion for playing with codes, so it never felt like a chore. If you love what you’re doing, it shows, and clients can totally tell. 2. Keep at It The beginning wasn’t smooth sailing. In the last seven months of my first year, I only got three orders, and one of them was canceled right away. There were slow days and moments of doubt. But I kept pushing through, delivering quality work, meeting deadlines, and communicating well with clients. Slowly but surely, my ratings and reviews started to reflect my dedication. 3. Always Be Learning Fiverr changes, and so do industry trends. I kept learning new skills and improving my game. Take courses, watch tutorials, and ask for feedback. Stay sharp and adaptable. 4. Top-Notch Customer Service Treat every client like they’re gold. Be responsive, fix any issues fast, and go the extra mile. Happy clients come back and spread the word. 5. Build Your Brand Create a strong profile that stands out. Make sure your gig descriptions are on point. 6. Be Smart with Money As I started making more, I made sure to reinvest in my skills enhancement. 7. Get Involved The Fiverr forum and community were huge for me. I learned a lot from others and shared my own tips. Engaging with the community keeps you motivated and informed. It’s been a wild ride with lots of hard work and late nights, but it’s all been worth it. If I can do it, you can too. Stay passionate, keep grinding, and your success story will happen. Big shoutout to Fiverr for giving freelancers like us a platform to shine. Thank you Everyone
  8. @dibakarbiswa141 LinkedIn is the best option for targeting a professional audience.
  9. Please contact CS as there may be a glitch.
  10. Each and every metrics plays an crucial role in your success score
  11. It all boils down to how consistent and hardwork you are putting. The beginning can feel a bit dull and challenging until you find your rhythm.
  12. I recommend making the most of it if your gigs are eligible for promotions. You can set the cap to auto, like last month my marketing spend was around $1100 and got a solid number of value orders. So, I believe it's a worthwhile investment. But keep in mind, the quality of your service is key. If your promoted buyers aren't satisfied, it'll impact how well your ads perform.
  13. Hello @dibakarbiswa141 It's common for gig rankings to fluctuate throughout the day due to algorithm changes. Try optimizing your gig's keywords and tags, and consistently delivering high-quality work to improve its visibility. Service,consistency and quality is the key
  14. You cannot do anything here because in these types of cases, even Fiverr support does not help. The only thing they say is to communicate and resolve it on your own. Even if you want to cancel, you cannot if the buyer denies to cancel.
  15. Starting out on Fiverr as a seller, I never imagined I'd reach this stage., I've completed over 4.5K orders and received over 2.5K reviews from satisfied clients. It hasn't always been easy; there are late nights, tough deadlines, and moments of doubt. But through it all, I persevered. I focused on delivering top-notch service, exceeding my clients' expectations, and constantly improving my skills. Along the way, I've built lasting relationships with clients who trust me to bring their visions to life. Every positive review and completed order has been a stepping stone towards what I have today. It's incredibly motivating to see how far I've come and to know that my hard work is paying off. This journey has taught me the value of resilience, dedication, and the importance of never giving up on my dreams. Here's to the next 5K orders and beyond!
  16. Hello, it took me over 4.5K+ orders to reach this milestone.
  17. These aren't just feedback; they're part of our journey so far. They've been instrumental in helping us learn and grow.
  18. Go to Earnings > Withdraw > Choose your preferred payment method. :)
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