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  1. One alternative recommendation for buyers concerned about sellers using chatGPT or AI is to input the delivery (or even the seller's messages themselves) into an online AI content detector tool. Many of these tools are available at no cost online. And so, for example, if you plug a paragraph into one of these tools, it would tell you the probability that the content was written by a human. They use much of the same technology to detect AI content as was used to create it. Hope this helps!
  2. I completely agree. ^ Additionally, clearly describing your offering(s) is key to ensure that there is mutual understanding between you and the buyer reaching out. Uniqueness + clarity. I hope this helps!
  3. I agree. In either case, performing the service as-described and earning positive reviews will take you farther than smaller technicalities, such as how the gig was ordered. I hope this helps! 🙂
  4. While I can't comment on how rankings are determined, I will say that a more meaningful approach might be making a small change to your gig (such as a revamped gig image, description change, or FAQ addition), waiting enough time to determine if the change yielded a positive effect, and then reassessing from there. Personally, I try not to make changes in rapid succession. I hope this helps! 🙂
  5. Here are my thoughts on gig updates... If you feel that the changes you're making will help your gig stand out or will more clearly describe the services you offer, then by all means, make the improvements. I hope this helps! 🙂 *Update* I would prioritize long term optimization over short term visibility.
  6. Whether you're a solopreneur, startup founder, or small business owner, hiring freelancers on a project-by-project basis is one of the best ways to avoid paying for a full-time employee while still getting the support you need to grow your business. As you search through Fiverr, you may wonder how to find the right freelancer for your business. That's exactly why I've written this post. My goal is to provide a set of specific criteria that you can use throughout your search. Enjoy! 1. Browse the Categories Even if you're accustomed to using a search bar, Fiverr has a robust panel of categories that, in my opinion, is even better than the top search bar. Unless you're searching for an ultra-specific niche, I would recommend starting with your desired category. 2. Set Your Criteria This might be one of the most overlooked steps, but could save a significant amount of time. After clicking on your desired category, I recommend taking a look at the filters. Here, you can filter sellers based on several factors. For example, if you're in the website content category, you will find writers who write in English, Spanish, French, and a host of other languages. There are well over 1,000 gigs in this category alone, and so filtering based on the specific language you need will help you avoid scrolling through countless pages of irrelevant gigs. 3. Determine Your Needs First No two businesses are exactly alike. As you scroll through potential sellers, you will find a myriad of basic, standard, and premium packages. Instead of waiting until you come across a package that seems to have everything you're looking for, my recommendation is to determine what you need first. That's because sellers can offer custom gigs. In turn, you can focus on finding the perfect seller as opposed to the perfect gig. *One note: ensure that the gig you're inquiring about is close to what you're looking for before asking for a custom gig. For example, asking a copywriter for a larger word count than what's offered would be acceptable. Asking them for web development services, however, would likely be out of scope. 4. Start a Conversation (If Necessary) Over time, many sellers adapt their offerings to align with the most common requests they receive. As a result, you may find the exact service you're looking for. While some sellers prefer that you contact them first, others prefer that you order without contacting them. In some cases, the seller may even specify which approach they prefer in the gig description. My advice is to order without contacting the buyer only if the gig description clarified any and all lingering questions you may have had. If not, ask away! 5. Provide an Example Although this step isn't always necessary (or possible), sharing a link, image, or sample from a competitor is one of the best ways to communicate your goals and expectations to a freelancer. For example, you may find that your competitor's landing page has the exact tone you'd like your website to have. By sharing a link to a potential copywriter, you may be able to better articulate your website copy goals. 6. Ask Qualifying Questions What are your expectations for the perfect freelancer? By having a list of qualifying questions to ask prospective freelancers, you can narrow down your search. Here are a few examples: Will I solely be working with the person messaging me right now, or are you part of an agency with other people doing the work? I need the project completed in 7 days or less, can you meet this timeline? Have you worked with other clients in my industry before? Before asking questions, I always recommend reading the frequently asked questions (FAQs) portion of a seller's gig. 7. Start Small If you have an ongoing or large-scale project, starting with a seller's basic package may be a good way to determine if they're the right fit for your business. Be sure to look into subscription packages and ask about bulk discounts if you are considering a long-term arrangement. 8. Scale Up Once you've found the perfect freelancer, you can scale up the amount of work you give them while saving time. That's because after establishing a mutual understanding of your goals, branding requirements, and background, you can reduce the time spent explaining, thereby expediting the process. 9. Ask for Referrals Oftentimes, freelancers are asked if they can recommend sellers who provide services that they do not offer. For example, a copywriter may be asked if they know another freelancer who specializes in web development. After finding a freelancer who you can trust, asking for a referral may save time for the next service you need. I hope this was helpful! Thank you for reading. Warm wishes, Creat1vepattern
  7. I can certainly see what you mean as a voice over seller. If you're speaking over Zoom, perhaps you could even try out different tones to see what style the buyer is seeking. While I am always open to having a conversation in the message center first (as a writer), I have personally found that the finished product for buyers who order straight away is the same, so long as the buyers completely fill out the gig requirements. Thank you for the post! 😃
  8. One note to new or first-time buyers. If you feel as if your seller only asked enough questions to generate a quote, but not enough to fully understand your brand, please know that many gigs have a gig requirements section with additional questions (even after you've had a full conversation in the message center). This is a great place to include any additional information you feel may be relevant to the project. As a seller, I'll oftentimes ask just the questions I need to a) determine if I'm comfortable within the industry or niche, and b) generate an accurate quote/ timeline. The gig requirements handle the rest. I hope this helps!
  9. I'd like to add to this. As a seller, I always know who my long-standing repeat buyers are. There's actually a small section that literally says either "Returning Buyer" or "Past Orders (#)" in the message center (I have included a screenshot below). Whenever I have the opportunity, these are the first people I send my monthly coupons to (a relatively new feature on Fiverr). https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017987397-Seller-Coupons- My point is that even if sellers aren't able to give a discount off the get-go, developing a long-standing relationship can still pay off. 🙂
  10. In my opinion, requesting a sample is one of the best ways to understand exactly what the seller will provide (if, of course, the sample is an accurate representation of the seller's capabilities). At the same time, some sellers are not willing to send samples. In most cases, they either want to protect client confidentiality by not sending over real work from previous projects or are afraid that their sample will be repurposed... or both. As a best practice, I recommend that sellers create samples from scratch that can be used for sampling purposes only. For new sellers, the added benefit is that this strategy augments their lack of real examples, which they should not share in either case unless the work is part of the seller's shareable portfolio that buyers explicitly agree to. In general, samples can benefit both parties. I hope this helps!
  11. This is an excellent point. My recommendation would be to have a conversation with the seller first. In turn, you can: 1. Ensure that they understand your requirements. 2. Assess their English proficiency. If they can't have a clear and coherent conversation within the message center, they may not be the best choice to write your content. I hope this helps! 😄
  12. ^ I completely agree with this! @scientistsdata As for estimates within the messaging window, buyers can check the seller's public gig to ensure that the quote is consistent with what they would have purchased if they ordered straight away without first discussing. If a buyer does decide to order without first discussing, they can get a better idea of what to expect by reading the FAQs : ) I hope this helps!
  13. As a rule of thumb, I have found that it’s always better to pass up on a gig that you feel may be outside of your scope rather than take on a project that puts you in over your head later on. Honesty and consistency are an integral part of this!
  14. I always think that responding to negative reviews is a best practice. This is your opportunity to show your side of the story. If you don’t respond, you’re basically telling potential future buyers that what they said is a fair assessment. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for your gig. Don’t let that review be the final word! I hope this helps 🙂
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